Arena Standard - 4-color Oketra

10 7 18 16
32 0 4 24
Aggro Midrange

A very simple God-Eternal Oketraimage build that wants to get her out as fast as possible and then drown our opponent in zombies by casting cheap creatures. This was originally an Abzan build, but I decided to try and splash blue for access to Siren Stormtamerimage and Teferi, Time Ravelerimage.

I've attempted to move all my card draw onto creatures by utilizing creatures with cantrip effects, such as Dusk Legion Zealotimage and Generous Strayimage as well as 2 copies of Beast Whispererimage. I've also included 2 copies of God-Eternal Bontuimage both as an additional top-curve threat and to help draw even more cards by allowing us to sacrifice strays, zealots, and mana dorks to her ETB.

The copies of Llanowar Elvesimage and Paradise Druidimage are there to help us ramp quickly into Oketra, and once we hit our critical mass of 5 lands we can start sacrificing them en masse to Bontu for card draw without really having to think about it.

We have a serviceable - if a little slow - removal and tempo-disruption package, with 4 copies of Ravenous Chupacabraimage and 2 copies of Plaguecrafterimage acting as our creature-based removal that also trigger Oketra. Teferi, Time Ravelerimage's -3 can be used as tempo-disruption to bounce high-CMC threats or destroy beefy creature tokens.

As far as protection for our creatures goes there really isn't any, as both of our major creature threats (Bontu and Oketra) are functionally immune to being permanently removed due to their replacement effects. Mind control effects, on the other hand, are completely back-breaking for us as they not only remove a threat but also turn off our token engine. Because of this I'm running 3 copies of Siren Stormtamerimage, which not only protect Oketra, but also trigger her token ability due to being creatures. Teferi, Time Ravelerimage is here for the control matchups primarily, as he completely hoses most blue-based draw-go decks once he hits the field by turning off counter magic with his static ability.


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Last Updated: 05 Aug 2019
Created: 05 Aug 2019
8 72 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (19 distinct)

Creature (32)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (4)

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