Pioneer - $21 Hardened Scales(ish)

10 30
36 4 0 20
Aggro Jank

(Budget) Hardened Scales (kinda?)

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Yo what is up guys! This is my first Pioneer write-up so I'm pretty excited to be sharing this deck with y'all. smile As you could see by the title, this deck is SUPPOSED to be a Hardened Scalesimage deck. But some of you guys might be asking, where is the Hardened Scalesimage? Well, recently the price of Hardened Scalesimage has shot up like crazy!

Now it is time for the cards you have been waiting for! The first category we have are the cards like Hardened Scalesimage. We are running 4 Corpsejack Menaceimage, 4 Evolution Sageimages, and 4 Winding Constrictorimages. Corpsejack Menaceimage is great with a lot of our x spells and also works well with ANY creature with +1/+1 counters because of proliferate. Evolution Sageimage is also a lot like that as it makes getting a land late game hurt a tad big less. Winding Constrictorimage literally a Hardened Scalesimage on legs. The only difference is that you also get another counter but luckly, this format has no infect.

Next up is our creatures that enter the battlefield with counters, proliferate, and that buff our team. First up, Chief of the Foundryimage. You might be thinking at first, are you stupid? There are like no artifact creatures in this deck! But wait, there are! We are running 2 Verdurous Gearhulkimage and 4 Animation Moduleimage. We are also running 2 Endless Oneimages because it enters with +1/+1 counters and can be used early and late game. We run a playset of Ugin's Conjurantimage because it is basically a cheaper, worse version of Endless Oneimage. Pollenbright Druidimage allows us to proliferate OR put +1/+1 counters if we need, which provides a great amount of variety. Rishkar, Peema Renegadeimage lets us ramp and it puts some counters on our creatures. Verdurous Gearhulkimage lets us distribute +1/+1 counters to 4 whole creatures!!! SO many proliferate triggers :D. Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrigimage is...well...I feel like I don't really have to explain that one.

Lastly our are random cards. Elvish Mysticimage lets us ramp up to our bigger cards. Glint-Sleeve Siphonerimage gives us some nice card draw that is repeatable. Animation Moduleimage is a great card in this deck. Not only do we get artifacts that get buffed by Chief of the Foundryimage and also lets us make a chumpy every time we get a +1/+1 counter (which is often).

This is my deck, I hope you enjoy! Please do not steal my deck without my premission :D


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Last Updated: 11 Nov 2019
Created: 01 Nov 2019
1727 218 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (16 distinct)

Creature (36)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (4)
Land (20)

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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
26 16 16 2 0
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