Pauper - White Aggro

41 4
16 26 0 18

Lagonna-Band Trailblazer

Akroan Skyguard

Deftblade Elite

So, you want to go fast? Well, mono-white heroic is a fantastic deck for you. It uses both enchantments and instants to make a large heroic creature like Lagonna-Band Trailblazerimage or Akroan Skyguardimage. While you are doing this you can also gain a bunch of life off Seeker of the Wayimage and Sacred Catimage and help get these creatures through with Deftblade Eliteimage.

Getting in damage by making one large creature does have its issues, with bounce and removal being heavily represented in the metagame you need ways to counteract them. These come in the form of protection spells like Emerge Unscathedimage and Cho-Manno's Blessingimage. Also, Hyena Umbraimage both makes your creature huge and offers a form of protection. Much like Bogles you load up one creature with a number of auras and so Ethereal Armorimage can get really out of hand. Cartouche of Solidarityimage may look like a poor card but it has a hidden purpose. If you only have one creature that you are making massive it helps you get around edict effects out of control decks.

To round out the deck you have two playsets of instant speed combat tricks, Mutagenic Growthimage and Defiant Strikeimage. This is an aggro deck so you run a low land count with 16 Plains and 2 Secluded Steppeimage to prevent flooding.

Pauper is extremely diverse and your sideboard should hugely depend on the metagame that you play in. Lifelinkimage, Fragmentizeimage and some amount of Rune of Protection: Whiteimage and Rune of Protection: Redimage seem like auto-includes but other than that your sideboard is very customizable.

I think that Mono White Heroic balances consistency with power very well and is in my opinion currently the best aggro deck in the format. If you want to have a consistently good deck which can be extremely explosive and will almost never fall flat on its face then Mono White Heroic could be a great choice.

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Last Updated: 04 Jan 2019
Created: 17 Sep 2018
830 103 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (14 distinct)

Creature (16)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (26)
Land (18)

Sideboard - 15 cards (10 distinct)


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