Pauper - UB Midrange Lantern

17 16
22 20 0 18
Midrange Combo


The Lock Combo

Thoughtpicker WitchimageMyr ServitorimageMyr Servitorimage 

    Manipulate opp. topdeck to control their draw flooding them with lands if you dond fizzle, you can pay (1) to sac. another Cr. to Thoughtpicker Witchimage if you do, ideally with 3rd Myr Servitorimage. Cutting priorities depend on your opp. deck: Removal to protect your lock, card advantage to keep it working, combo pieces, SB hate cards ... Depending on the situation you cut lands and see opp. desesperation. There are alternatives to main combo:

Thoughtpicker WitchimageSanitarium Skeletonimage

    3BB but can play arround GY hate.

Thoughtpicker WitchimageGrim Harvestimage

    4BBB but can play arroun GY hate and removal, also work with other Cr. for value.

This Lantern of Insightimage style lock kills by itself by milling if it lefts unchecked as you opp. lose always one mor card from their library than you do. you can put it into play as early ars turn 3.


Beefy Finishers

Gurmag Anglerimage/Jace's Phantasmimage

   You can play Gurmag Anglerimage as early as turn 3 to put preassure on board or to have a big groud blocker while Jace's Phantasmimage is more a late game flying threat, the illusion also works as an early blocker and also feeds Gurmag Anglerimage and Thoughtpicker Witchimage. They can act like a semi-Ensnaring Bridgeimage in the deck and also distract removal to protect our lock combo.



Crypt Ratsimage

-Sweeper against Elves, Faes, Goblin and other go-wide decks. Controls the board.

-Finisher Potential whe you have more life than opp.

-nonbo with our lock

Tragic Slipimage

-Usefull against small Cr. like Spellstutter SpriteimageDelver of Secrets // Insectile AberrationimagePriest of Titaniaimage ... "kicked" it can beat opposing Gurmag Anglerimages and bigger threats like Ulamog's Crusherimage, the biggest in the format.

-Good while you're locking down and also with Crypt Ratsimage if you have enough (B).

Sylvok Lifestaffimage

-Maindeck Burn/Aggro hate 1-of

-Life for your Crypt Ratsimage

-Crazy with the Lock Combo established.

-Turns tiny Myr Servitorimages and Jace's Phantasmimages into legit blockers.


Card Adventage

Ghoulcaller's Bellimage

-Put cards like Myr ServitorimageSanitarium SkeletonimageDeep Analysisimage or Grim Harvestimage for value, also dump bad cards for Gurmag Anglerimage.

-Helps your combo if you are able have multiple Thoughtpicker Witchimage's activations and increases your Mill Kill potential. Be concentrate to not mess with our lock and give them a good card accidentally.

-Double edge blade: you can luckyly blind-mill and opponent's threat or their GY action with bad luck, as you can blind-mill your threats, combo pieces, needed removal (you can't return spells) or 1-of's like Sylvok Lifestaffimage or Grim Harvestimage in a can't-recover moment. Said that, you have to use it as much as you can and believe.

-Marginal upside against cards that cares about "top of any library" shenanigans like Delver of Secrets // Insectile Aberrationimage or Chitterimg Rats

-Feeds Gurmag Anglerimage and Jace's Phantasmimage


-Digs for 3 and works well with Ghoulcaller's Bellimage as you don't blind-mill


-Same as Ponderimage

-Plus you have 11 shuffle your library efects for extra-value and 4 auto-mill in Ghoulcaller's Bellimage

-Instant speed against hand disruption

Deep Analysisimage

-Nice 4 for 1 to not get dry

-Cool with Ghoulcaller's Bellimage plus Cantrip

-Mill Kill potential since it says "target player"

Trinket Mageimage

-We are a Trinket deck: we can tutor Seat of the Synodimage or Vault of Whispersimage to fix our mana, Sylvok Lifestaffimage to have your life total under control or to pump it into Crypt Ratsimage Kill, the Myr Servitorimages for the lock or for the block and also reload them, or the Ghoulcaller's Bellimage on the mill/card advantage plan: 11 total tutor targets!

-Solid 2/2 body

-Value Chain with Thoughtpicker Witchimage and Grim Harvestimage it costs 6UBBB, it's expensive but you can do it grindy once each two turns. You can live the dream if you are in the driver's seat, at late game and with a real bunch of lands in the battlefield and we just have 14 real lands.




-Gets SB Hate an opp.'s interation with your goals: removal, countermagic, GY hate, combo pieces ...

-Early information

Against: Jeskai, Tron, Affinity, Burn, Delver, Control, Enchantments, Fam's, Reanimator, Tribe, Turbofog, Combo, Teachings... (maybe i should maindeck it)

Chainer's Edictimage


-Kills again

Against: Jeskai, Tron, Burn, Boggles, Boros, Fam's, Reanimator, Tribe ... (depending on the meta you exchange them for the 3 Cript Rats in the maindeck but mine is full of Fae's and Elves)


-Gets SB hate

-Protects your stuff from dying: Electrickeryimage and removal in general

-Prevents your opp. to protect him/her's: Fogimage/Prismatic StrandsimageCounterspellimage...

-Protects you from certain combo's: Ephemerateimage/Ghostly Flickerimage, Inside OutimageFlingimage...

Against: Jeskai, Tron, Burn, Delver, Boros, Control, Turbo Fog, Tribe, Teachings, Fam's, combo...


-Gets the SB hate that Dispelimage don't and Art./Ench. hate

Against: Jeskai, Tron, Boros, Turbo For, Enchantments, Affinity, Pestilence,TortEx, GY hate (You can almost auto-SB-in as most decks will SB-in Relic of Progenitusimage-like cards agains you, relic is the best becouse it's simetrical and shuts down Jace's Phantasmimage at the same time it does with your GY shenanigans)...

Relic of Progenitusimage

-My own GY hate, Trinket Mageimage target

-Maybe i should play non-symetrical one like Nihill Spellbomb or Tormod's Cryptimage but I do enjoy Relic's 1st ability.

Against: Jeskai, Tron, some Boros, TurboFog, Reanimator, TortEx/Dredge, any Gurmag Anglerimage... (x2 Jace's Phantasmimage)

Spreading Seasimage

-Get a Tron land and lock them to not see any of it anymore with your lock on.

Against: Tron, Tron and Tron (It worked against messy mana base 3C decks and tiny splashy ones but it was before Arcum's Astrolabeimage, BAN IT!!)



For those who red me I have a little combo that fall out of the deck, all cards Trinket Mageimage tutorable: The Trinky-Shrinky Tea-pot/Library-Manipulator now available on Pauper Unified:


Ghoulcaller's BellimageRelic of ProgenitusimageFeldon's Caneimage


You see it? it's not reallistic but it works at least in solitary mode: you fill your GY, you filter the card quality on your GY, you shuffle it back, you exile your opp.'s one drawing a bonus card. Add: Lens of Clarityimage. JANK!!!

Own Brew and actual paper Pauper deck

Thanx for reading :)




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Last Updated: 14 Aug 2019
Created: 14 Aug 2019
335 121 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (19 distinct)

Creature (22)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (20)
Land (18)

Sideboard - 15 cards (6 distinct)


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With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
47 7 0 0 0
10 5 0 0 0