Other - comebo Fun w/me

20 7
17 20 2 23

2 intended combos in this deck are

1:Whirler Virtuoso +( 3 Decoction Module / 1 Decoction Module + 1 Gonti's Aether Heart )
With 3 energy every time an artifact creature hits play this is *infinite 1/1 flying thopters

2: 4 Powerstone Shard + Paradox Engine + Cogwork Assembler + (1 unused mana or spell to cast)
you just keep making powerstone shards untill you can make the mana to make *infinite 2/3 hasty cogworks untill you run out


*= timer is a thing in arena and these require some heavy game lagging speed to get them up to numbers above 50 without timeing out, however option 1 can hit the clock on both sides of the turn list if its a true stalemate, please dont abouse your clock to much get enuff to win and then attack

watch out for settle the wreckage it is a pain when your timer is almost out.


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Last Updated: 17 Nov 2019
Created: 17 Jul 2018
48 65 0

Mainboard - 62 cards (18 distinct)

Creature (17)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (20)
Land (23)
Planeswalker (2)

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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
4 27 7 5 0
0 0 0 0 0