Modern - Casual Reanimator (BO1)

20 28
19 18 0 23
Midrange Control

Disclaimer: the deck still needs to be playtested so I wouldn't just copy and paste it. I probably also need to tweak the manabase a bit. Any constructive criticism is always appreciated.


This is a budget orzhov reanimator/blink deck made for casual play. The general strategy will be to discard any of the high cmc creatures with boneshards or to fetch them into your graveyard with unmarked grave and then reanimate them with persist or priest of fell rites. There are 4 different creatures to reanimate (5 if you count shriekmaw) to have a larger variety of threats that each help you survive in different match-ups. The central focus of the deck is ashen rider which has a fenomenal ETB effect and makes one of the best targets for ephemerate. Being able to exile anything on your opponent's board by turn 2 should give you a great advantage. For longer/griendier games sanctuary warden becomes the more preferable reanimation pick because it can portect itself from damage/removal, draws cards, makes little blockers and can remove its own -1/-1 counter from persist. It isn't protected against exile effects so it is completely useless against solitude but is you are someone like me who only plays in budget friendly groups then that shouldn't be a problem. Finally, the gearhulk is in here for more aggressive matchups. The lifegain should in theory be good to keep yourself alive while the hulk itself can block little critters. This makes for a great ephemerate target too since it could provide you the lifegain to survive in those matchups. You could always reanimate shriekmaw shoulc you feel the need to or only have that in your graveyard but having other reanimation targets in the deck that have a bigger impact on the game, I would advise against it.

Inquisistion of kozilek is in the deck for some genereic hand disruption. This card is in here mainly to get around any form of counter magic or to disrupt aggressive curves. Apart from that the deck also runs 2 copies of shriekmaw and 1 copy of plaguecrafter to have some more survavability. I chose to include plaguecrafter because even if it is a (let's be honest) bad card, it still has synergies with ashen rider which will be discussed further. Sometimes you're going to have to cast shriekmaw by turn 2 but I would wait to turn 3 whenever it is possible to play ephemerate/undying malice in response to the evoke trigger. That way you get a 3 mana 'destroy 2' effect that also gives you a decent body to block with.

Ephemerate and undying malice both serve similar purposes. Ephemerate gives the option to protect your creatures from removal/blink your creatures to outvalue your opponent, undying malice is here for protection. Not having acces to at least grief makes these cards lose a lot of value for the deck because you can't really play 'scam' strategy that thesse type of decks usually play. They still hold some potential with cards like shriekmaw, plaguecrafter, ashen rider, etc. so while they don't hold the power they hold in scam decks/competitive reanimator decks they still should do something.

Last but not least, charming prince is in the deck for an extra blink effect on a 2/2 blocker. The other 2 abilities might also be usefull depending on the situation.

For upgrades I would consider the following if you want to stay in orzhov colors but keep in mind that if you can and want to it's always better to just upgrade it to an esper list:

  • Drop the ashen riders and sanctuary warden for archon of cruelty
  • Drop inquisition of kozilek for thoughtseize
  • Drop the priest of fellrites for grief
  • Drop shriekmaw, plaguecrafter and gearhulk for Solitude



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Last Updated: 04 Aug 2023
Created: 25 Oct 2022
975 99 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (20 distinct)

Creature (19)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18)
Land (23)

Sideboard - 15 cards (9 distinct)


Maybeboard - 1 cards (1 distinct)


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