MTGA Events - Singleton BG Explore

29 29
24 9 3 24

 Edit: current deck list is from the third run. You can find older deck lists in the description from the youtube link.

First run I went 5-1, in the loss I made a misplay revolving around nullhide ferox - He got dropped since I'm running a few expensive spells like the planeswalkers and finality. Charnel troll is out since he's battling with my recursion cards over who gets to use the graveyard. Added a main deck ritual of soot.

Second run I went 7-4. I've changed the mana base of golgari explore, adding a couple of white cards and a few others I wanted to try out: knight of autumn, profane procession, ritual of soot, drover of the mighty, druid of the cowl and Isareth, the awakener. I dropped pelt collector, charnel troll, nullhide ferox, detection tower, plague mare and enter the unknown. I decided to drop to 24 lands since I added a couple of mana creatures. I've started a new deck list for singleton abzan explore.

Third run I went 3-4. I dropped the white cards and went back to two colours. Having played against some discard last time I decided to include nullhide ferox. Josu vess and ripjaw raptor were new additions - I liked the idea of some hefty beatdown cards I could ramp out on turn 3.


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Last Updated: 10 Dec 2018
Created: 04 Dec 2018
366 76 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (45 distinct)

Creature (24)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (9)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (3)

Sideboard - 15 cards (15 distinct)


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With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
8 13 17 5 0
1 6 6 2 0