Historic Brawl - Torbran Fires You

14 16 3 26

Torbran Fires You is an aggro mono-red Brawl with a few of the "staples" removed and ignored because they're too durdly, such as Risk Factorimage and Krenko, Tin Street Kingpinimage.

Some notes:

Don't ever run Seven Dwarvesimage. They're rubbish in Brawl.

In the Arena meta you have to take Field of the Deadimage into account, which is why I run both Tectonic Riftimage and Field of Ruinimage. There are other land destruction cards that might be quicker, but both Rift and FoR have clear secondary uses making them less of a dead draw against decks that don't run FotD. Tectonic Rift has often proved to be a clear win-now card in a creature stalemate situation.

Robber of the Richimage is a powerhouse in Brawl as well. On the play, he can be responsible for wrecking entire strategies for the oppononent. An opponent playing a Temple on his T1, leaving the card they scryed atop the library is a hoot! Exiling for Fun and Profit! It is very seldom that you'll actually use the cards stolen by the Robber since you don't want to do spend mana on things that directly advances your agenda of getting red damage sources on the board for Torbran. 

It's usually not correct to play Torbran on T4, if you have no other threats out. On his own he's just an expensive 4/4 that won't draw you a card from Shatter the Skyimage.

You'll have a difficult time agains Nicol Bolas, Dragon-Godimage. Pay close attention to your opponents Swamp-count. Hit one of them with Rift if you can, and if you think the opponent has problems gathering three B mana. If the Bolas player gets out Fires of Inventionimage you're basically screwed. Move on to the next game.

I don't use any ramp cards such as Arcane Signetimage or other rocks because you much prefer to play a threat on T2 or T3 than something that helps you play Torbran earlier (with no other threat on the board). The rock I have included, Heraldic Bannerimage, also helps you kill things faster. Play it after you have Torbran on the board!

Yes, I know that Heraldic Bannerimage and Cavalcade of Calamityimage oppose each other. Cavalcade is a better card, most of the time if you happen to draw both.

Cards like Drakuseth, Maw of Flamesimage, while powerful, are way too slow. You have no way to cheat them into play, and if you haven't won by round 12 or whatever, the chances of top-decking Drakuseth is just not good enough. 99% of the time it'll be a dead draw. And yes, you can cheat Drakuseth into play using Ilharg, the Raze-Boarimage, but... no. Really. No. 

With that being said, I do run Chandra, Awakened Infernoimage. She's an excellent spot removal, win-con and/or board wipe and blue control really, really hates her which makes it worth having her around.

25 lands instead of 24? Yes. It's more important to be able to play a 2 land hand on the draw and not being overly worried about not having four lands by T4, than a slightly greater risk of land flooding later in the game. On the play you should Mulligan a 2-land hand unless it's really excellent curve-wise.

Embercleaveimage wins games. Use it primarily for maximum player damage, not for maximum blocker removal. You have enough direct damage spells for that job.

You should hate Dream Trawlerimage with a passion. On the other hand, you should have won by T6 anyway.


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I have removed Field of Ruin after the Golos ban. Tectonic Rift is still a game breaker in a stalemate situation, or to remove a key colour from the opponent so that stays for now.
Last Updated: 20 Mar 2020
Created: 18 Feb 2020
1384 519 1

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 59 cards (36 distinct)

Creature (14)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (16)
Land (26)
Planeswalker (3)

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