Historic Brawl - Massacre Girl

31 31 2 35
Combo Jank

This Deck Revolves around two cards Massacre Girlimage & Nest of Scarabsimage

This deck also takes advantage of discard & cycle from cards like Ruthless Sniperimage, Archfiend of Ifnirimage Inorder to create 1/1 Black insect tokens from Nest of Scarabsimage. You can use said tokens to amplify the effects of Massacre Girlimage

I've included Bogbrew Witchimage, Festering Newtimage, & Bubbling Cauldronimage for potentail life gain or removal

Ghoulish Processionimage & Open the Gravesimage can be used to take advantage of self removal via Massacre Girlimage, Bone Shardsimage, Village Ritesimage, Bubbling Cauldronimage, Bloodsoaked Altarimage, Miasmic Mummyimage, Crypt Lurkerimage, & Dusk Manglerimage

Life Gain has been included via the following cards inorder to help with chip damage for agro decks Trespasser's Curseimage, A-Cosmos Elixer, Bubbling Cauldronimage, The Meathook Massacreimage, Twilight Prophetimage, & Inventors' Fairimage


  • Lolth, Spider Queenimage Has been included mainly to take advantage of her -3. Since her Spider tokens are 3/1 they can easily be used to taken advantage of by Massacre Girlimage
  •       Professor Onyximage Has been included for her Magecraft ability for aditional life gain as well as using her ult for a win con

Personally I find Curse cards really good in keeping pressure on the opponent Cruel Realityimage, Torment of Scarabsimage, & Trespasser's Curseimage

The following cards have been included to help negate the negative side effect of Massacre Girlimage by returning cratures from your grave to the battlefield / hand Kaya's Ghostformimage, Malakir Rebirthimage, Undying Maliceimage, Agadeem's Awakeningimage, Unbreakable Bondimage, Yawgmoth's Vile Offeringimage, & Sheoldred, Whispering Oneimage

Black Marketimage Works really well with all removal so it had to be included. Who dosnt like free mana


Arcane Signetimage, Replicating Ringimage, Firemind Vesselimage, & Hedron Archiveimage Have all been added inorder to help your mid / late game mana pool

Finally Fraying Omnipotenceimage, Torment of Hailfir, & Professor Onyximage -8 Are used as a win con / Hand hate


If you have any recomendations as to what I can do to improve this deck leave a comment <3




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Last Updated: 02 May 2022
Created: 02 May 2022
1281 187 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (74 distinct)

Creature (31)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (31)
Land (35)
Planeswalker (2)

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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
44 26 20 9 0
0 0 1 0 0