Historic Brawl - Kefnet's Monoblue Scryvaganza

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All hail ThyrixSyx for his great taste in choosing decks to cover!!

Kefnet's Monoblue Scryvaganza

Yeah, baby, we're playing a decent color again! To compensate, we're trying to make the God-Eternal commander thing work. This deck is all about playing around with Kefnet, with as many ways to manipulate the top of our deck as possible to make maximum use of both of his triggered abilities. With plenty of card draw, powerful blue tricky magic, and the ability our commander gives us to cast spells without using the cards in our hand, this deck plans to outvalue our opponents while having a big 4/5 flier in play as often as possible.


Look upon the lines of text that brings all monoblue Timmies (yes they do exist) to the yard. The amount of value generated from copying our spells and casting them for cheaper can bury our opponents in the lategame. What the deck lacks is an actual win condition, but hopefully we can kill them by swinging with Kefnet or our durdle will force our opponents to give up before the power of the Dragon-God.

Card Draw:

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Well here we are, back at it again with the blue card draw. We are going to be drawing a lot of cards, for both of our commander's effects work quite well with being able to draw cards on our turn and our opponent's. We run Spectral Sailorimage and his bigger sister Faerie Formationimage to draw cards on our opponent's turn. Anticipateimage, Shimmer of Possibilityimage, and Drawn from Dreamsimage do not count as drawing cards, but they are excellent spells to copy as well as good ways of finding our Kefnet if he got shoved 3 cards into our deck on death. We run Gadwick, the Wizenedimage as a way of drawing a bunch of cards and tap our opponents when we cant to swing in, and planeswalkers Narset, Parter of Veilsimage and Kasmina, Enigmatic Mentorimage for their powerful hate abilities and their ability to help us draw through our deck. We also run one Precognitive Perceptionimage as a powerful way of refueling our hand, and The Magic Mirrorimage to bury us in card draw and maybe get us that Jace win. Finale of Revelationimage closes out the deck as a way to take the game long and die with all of the cards we want in our hand.

Tricky Blue Stuff:

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Now it's time to be hateful. While most of the time the strategy with this deck is "Kefnet, pass", we can't just let the opponent do whatever they want in our beautiful game. To deal with pesky little tribal creatures, we run Selective Snareimage, which can also be used as a tempo play to keep us from getting too far behind in the early game. We run a ton of counterspells, with Disdainful Strokeimage, Tale's Endimage, Negateimage, and Sinister Sabotageimage to try and stop our opponents from getting too comfortable having fun with the game. While not actual counterspells, Lazotep Platingimage and Narset's Reversalimage can provide quite a bit of blowout potential to our plays in response to whatever our opponent is trying to do. We run one Eyes Everywhereimage to help us scry every turn for Kefnet value and as a threat to steal any nonland permanent in the board. We have a Brazen Borrowerimage to keep the tempo up when necessary or just slow down our opponent, and Flood of Tearsimage as the closest thing to a 'board clear' blue has available.

Win cons?

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These aren't exactly the most powerful of win conditions, but it's what our deck has available to try and squeeze a victory out of our matches. Mu Yanling, Sky Dancerimage seems like an innocuous planeswalker at first, but her ability to make more large fliers and possibly make all our islands draw us cards means she must be answered pretty quickly. Sphinx of Foresightimage gives us that beautiful pre-game action to spook our opponent, as well as giving us that passive screy. We run a Jace, Wielder of Mysteriesimage simply because how many cards this deck can draw, and Cavalier of Galesimage and Faerie Formationimage as big value flying beaters. We have both Mass Manipulationimage and Agent of Treacheryimage to be tricky little thieves and getting our opponent's big threats to work for us. We run an Ugin, the Ineffableimage, saver of monocolored Brawl decks, and Dream Eaterimage as big threats that can also help us interact with our opponent for a little bit more consistency.


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There is not much to talk about in terms of lands, we run a ton of basic Islands, and very few colorless utility lands for some extra value. We do run one Mystic Sanctuaryimage because it's an awesome land, letting us get some really powerful turns going alongside our commander's abilities.

That's it, a Kefnet deck! I'm still very busy, but I'm glad I got this one done today. Hope you all had fun with Brawl Wednesday.


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Last Updated: 19 Dec 2019
Created: 04 Dec 2019
617 348 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 59 cards (42 distinct)

Creature (9)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (21)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (5)

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