Historic Brawl - Dargon Reanimator

27 11 29
23 12 0 24

Big Dargon Reanimator

Yeah Korvold, back at it again and this time, it's reanimating! While not the most reanimator-centric commander, it's a very strong value engine that functions within Jund, which has a surprising amount of ways to both discard cards to graveyard and bring big creatures back. And that's what we're doing!


There's nothing really that special about the deck if you're familiar with the reanimation strategies available in Brawl, but this one lets us pitch the most cards for value, as well as having some really scary big boys to bring back. I didn't feel particularly excited to play much today so I feel like this deck is pretty low in terms of originality, it's almost like I took two previous lists I had and mashed them together... Oh well, anyways, here's Korvold's Reanimator deck!

The Ramp:

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The ramp package is what it is, as our deck can really make use of mana, but it also has a lot of good 3 drops, so it's not always absolutely necessary, yet it always help. We focus on more creature-based ramp because we are in green, and it allows us to build up Undergrowth and also have things to sacrifice to Korvold later on. We also run Arcane Signetimage because we must.

Getting cards in the graveyard:

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So this section mixes a lot of the strategies we had in both our Izoni and our Rakdos reanimator decks. We have a few ways to putting cards straight into our graveyard with Glowspore Shamanimage, Cavalier of Thornsimage, Underrealm Lichimage, and Doom Whispererimage, and many ways to discard creatures from our hand. Riz Maadi Reveler can do that or help draw us a bunch of cards if we are being aggressive, which we can be given the stats on the creatures we have in this list. Rotting Regisaurimage, Charnel Trollimage, and Erstwhile Trooperimage are all pretty annoying to block, and can put our opponent on the back foot, eating removal that would be pointed at our huge creatures. At later costs we have Neheb, Dreadhorde Championimage, Rankle, Master of Pranksimage, and Cavalier of Flameimage to discard a lot of cards from our hand and hopefully draw our ways to bring them back. This deck works best if we start our aggression early, and use our reanimation as a finisher.

Bringing them back:

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Well this is all pretty standard, really. Blood for Bonesimage has extra synergy with our commander but here it's all about getting those big reanimation turns. Feel free to let Korvold go to graveyard with these in hand, as he is a great reanimation target as well.

Big Bombs:

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Speaking of reanimation targets, we have the cream of the crop here. Cavalier of Nightimage and Massacre Girlimage are great against aggressive or stompy strategies, Ravager Wurmimage can destroy a castle or fight a creature on ETB, and Izoni, Thousand-Eyed has fantastic synergy with our commander. As absolute finishers we have [[Drakuseth, Maw of Flames and End-Raze Forerunnersimage, both being very good at ending the game if they get to swing in.

Extra synergies:

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Well look, this is a Jund reanimator deck, but it can still run some cards that are just good, like Assassin's Trophyimage. In order to try to get more impact out of our creatures coming back to the battlefield, why not give them Riot with Rhythm of the Wildimage, which works wonders with Kraul Harpoonerimage. Guardian Projectimage and The Great Hengeimage are here to make sure we don't run out of resources too quickly if we cannot cast or attack with our commander, and Find // Finalityimage works as an excellent dual value spell and board clear.


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24 lands means I really didn't really bother much getting the optimal mana base for this deck, but honestly I was just trying to have fun. I overworked myself this week and I just wanted to relax today. I threw in a mess of lands that sacrifice themselves for extra value with Korvold and a Field of the Deadimage because I didn't want to think too much. You figure out a better manabase.


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Last Updated: 30 Nov 2019
Created: 30 Nov 2019
501 227 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 59 cards (56 distinct)

Creature (23)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Land (24)

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