Historic - Zombie Groundhog Day

4 34
23 13 2 22
Combo Jank

It's been a long campaign, fighting your way through chamber after chamber of this dungeon. At last, you've amassed enough equipment and allies to take on the final boss and emerge victorious. Then, just as you've pocketed your reward, you find yourself at an inviting dungeon entrance...wait. Haven't we been here before?

This is a Zombie Tribal combo deck that hinges on Cryptbreakerimage's ability to tap zombies for card draw and Paradox Engineimage's ability to untap your nonland permanents whenever you cast a spell -- i.e., the zombies that you tapped to draw cards AND the mana rocks you tapped for mana to play those cards. 2-mana and 3-mana amass creatures can get the card draw engine running astonishingly quickly, while Zombie lords buff your entire board to either protect you or win the game through combat outright.

The primary win condition is having Paradox Engine and at least 3 mana rocks on the board with the new Acererak the Archlichimage in your hand. Play Acererak using the mana rocks, Paradox Engine untaps the mana rocks, Acererak ventures into the dungeon and bounces back to your hand -- and as long as you don't venture into "Tomb of Annihilation," you can complete infinite dungeons. That's right; it's a time loop. (Or a roguelike, if you prefer.) And since "Lost Mine of Vandelver" includes a chamber that drains your opponent for one life, you can condemn your opponent to a slow, drawn-out death, all while you continue scrying, creating tokens, and generally rubbing your victory in their face in between pings. (Fun little optimization - with Acererak's ETB ability on the stack, you can tap Acererak to help pay for Cryptbreaker card draw before it bounces back.)

Mastermind's Acquisitionimage is included to help assemble the combo pieces, as well as giving access to alternate win conditions in the form of Gempalm Polluterimage and Tendrils of Agonyimage. There is a slight drawback with Cryptbreaker in that it can't draw cards forever, since each card also costs one life; Wayward Servantimage in the mainboard and Bontu's Monumentimage in the sideboard are both available to help offset this so Cryptbreaker can dig deeper for combo pieces. (Honestly, you stand a good chance of winning just through Wayward Servant chip damage, but where's the fun in that?)

"So put your rotting hand in mine, there ain't no dungeon staircase we can't climb..."


(Originally submitted for Day9's "What the Deck 31" - Dungeons vs. Adventurers)


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Last Updated: 21 Jul 2021
Created: 18 Jul 2021
682 831 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (19 distinct)

Creature (23)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (13)
Land (22)
Planeswalker (2)

Sideboard - 7 cards (7 distinct)


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