Historic - Rakdos Priest

40 13
23 22 0 15
Aggro Midrange

I built this deck right before the Rakdos Pyromancer lists started to emerge, and tuned it ever since. This is a deck that attacks from different fronts. Cat-Oven, Scourge of the Skyclaves, Priest of the Forgotten Gods are all different ways of dealing damage. Archfiends Vessel is also very good in this deck allowing you to have a 5/5 flyer, sometimes on turn 2(trust me I have done it). Lets get into the card choices.

Cauldron Familiar - (see Witch's Oven) Without a Witch's Oven it is a 1/1 for 1 with an ETB AKA sacrifice fodder, with an oven it is (also) sacrifice fodder that allows you to have an infinite blocker (unless there is a trampler on the opponent's board). 

Witch's Oven - catJam Sacrifice outlet for 1 colorless mana that lets you get value out of removal spells, Kroxa and most imporantly is your cat's best enemy.

Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger - This deck is based around graveyard synergies and this mad titan is one of your best pay offs. You might have seen the potential of this card in standard and it isn't different in this deck, with easier ways to fill the graveyard in this deck, it is often a 4 mana 6/6 opponent discard a nonland card or lose 3 life. Otherwise it is a sacrifce trigger for Priest of the Forgotten Gods or Witch's Oven or Phyrexian Tower, you get the point. 

Priest of the Forgotten Gods - This card is nuts, as you would have known from previous standard and from other historic decks. This deck is less likely to use the sacrifice ability at times but is still useful to have, depending on the cards in your hand and creatures on the board. It is a removal spell, draw engine and adds mana, what else could you want. 

Scourge of the Skyclaves - The new card that I'm currently trying out that at worst is a blocker for aggro and at best is something that control has to deal with. It is a big body for 2 mana and with all the damage from the shock lands and the mythic dfc (bolt lands) this is rarely a 0/0.

Claim/Fame - A reanimate for 1 mana in this deck (ignore Lurrus) and allows for haste and increased power for one turn?!! This card is nuts in the deck especially with the card that is coming up next. 

Archfiends Vessel - This card. This card is nuts acting as a 1 mana lifelink early on, you can sacrifice it or if it ends up in the graveyard it is often going to become a 5/5 flyer or even a 7/5 flyer with haste. Do not underestimate this card. (P.S. Play this against red aggro decks or control decks and they are severly on the back foot). 

Gutterbones - The source of recurssion that you need, as well as helping you to lower your opponents life total with its 2/1 body. Often sacrifce fodder but also an attacker this card is the glue that keeps your deck together. 

Stitcher Suppier - This serves a similar role to Gutterbones except instead of helping out Scourge of the Skyclaves, it benefits your graveyard synerigies instead. 

Claim the Firstborn - Like I said in my last write up, this card is good in any red sacrifice deck that you'd be dumb not to run. 

Village Rites - Glue card that allows you to sacrifice creatures in exchange for cards. 

Agadeem's Awakening - Another reanimation spell, this time acting as a land, anti-flood technology coming from the ZR as well as allowing Scourge of the Skyclaves to be an actual card. 

Shatterskull Smashing - A removal spell often for small creatures or planeswalkers or land that allows Scourge to be a card. 

Phyrexian Tower - A sacrifice outlet that produces 2 black mana, sign me up. My nuttiest and best openings with this deck include this card. Make sure to remember that it is colorless unless you sacrifice a creature, and that it is legendary. 

15 Land - You often don't need that much land and this + the modal dual faced cards should be enough land to allow the deck to function. 



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Last Updated: 15 Oct 2020
Created: 15 Oct 2020
500 477 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (20 distinct)

Creature (23)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (22)
Land (15)

Sideboard - 15 cards (6 distinct)


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