Historic - Racketeering

21 15 0 24

Nice lil discard tempo deck that likes killing the creatures that get under it. Oona's blackguard is the core threat, with rankle and tinybones providing support as a draw engine. Enforcer and Stinger are cheap synergy threats, while Inscription enables dicards and removal and Rider provides kills and chumps. Your gameplan is to get your opponent topdecking before they can gain impact, then crush them with ur weenies.


Doom blade is to be replaced upon midnight hunt with "Infernal Grasp"


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Last Updated: 18 Aug 2021
Created: 18 Aug 2021
70 619 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (11 distinct)

Creature (21)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (15)
Land (24)

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8 4 18 6 0
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