Historic - Pickle Rick Supreme

8 61
26 11 0 23

This is my monogreen stomp deck that is based off of my standard monogreen deck. So far it's gotten me to Platinum 1 and in my opinion of the the stronger monocolored decks (details below).

How does it do against certain decks?

  • Mono-Red Burn: Mixed bag. This deck usually wins but the games tend to be much longer since Shock kills my mana dorks before I can do turn 2 ramps. In this matchup I sideboard in Return to Natureimage or Grafdigger's Cageimage to shutdown Experimental Frenzyimage (if they run it) and Thrash // Threat to get rid of Torbran, Thane of Red Fellimage.
  • Mono-White/Orzhov Lifegain: Terrible matchup, we usually lose. Their growth with Soul Wardenimage and Ajani's Pridemateimage is unreal, and since this deck focuses on flooding the board with creatures as fast as possible the Pridemate gets way too massive, on top of having heavy removal. In this matchup I usually throw in Oakhame Adversaryimage and all of my Thrash // Threat and hope I can keep their growers at bay. Also gotta watch out for Giant Killerimage and creatures that tap your creatures, those are high priority Thrash // Threat targets.
  • Mono-Blue: Favorable matchup for this deck, ironically. Having cheap creatures that forces counters, creatures with Flash (Wildborne Preserver), creatures that can't be countered (Carnage Tyrantimage and Shifting Ceratopsimage), and creatures with hexproof, mono-blue tends to be too slow before they get ran over. 
  • Esper Control/Stax: This matchup is somewhat favorable, monogreen usually wins here if played verycarefully. Teferis are scary, as well as Nexus of Fateimage (which mind you is a BULLSHIT card) and Settle the Wreckageimage, but our artifacts heavily counters the planeswalkers, such as Sorcerous Spyglassimage, The Immortal Sunimage, and The Great Hengeimage and we have many cheap creatures, creatures that can't be countered or targeted, and aggression/speed. Against stax we rely on the Henge to refill our board and Return to Natureimage.
  • Elve's Tribal: This is the second hardest matchup behind mono-white simply because they have Marwyn, the Nurturerimage, Elvish Clancallerimage, and Imperious Perfectimage. Their ramp is unbeatable and they automatically win the race to get win conditions out. Bonus points to them if they're Golgari and they're running Oakhame Adversaryimage or Ochran Assassinimage. The best bet to beat them is to Thrash // Threat their Marwyn or Clancaller and Return to Natureimage their Great Henge.
  • Gruul Stomp/Dinosaurs: This is also a hard matchup - they have access to both Embercleaveimage and Henge (and can cast both easily) and they have Sarkhan's Unsealingimage, which is a terrifying enchantment because it practically kills anything we control (the only creatures with power 4 or greater are Ghalta, Primal Hungerimage and Carnage Tyrantimage. Return to Natureimage, Oakhame Adversaryimage, and Thrash // Threat are all completely necessary here.

Notes on the Main-Deck

  • Mulligan's usually need to be aggressive. My minimum requirement are the following:
    • There must be at least 3 sources of mana (either 3 forests or 2 forests and a mana dork)
    • There must be a play by turn 2 (Steel Leaf Championimage) or 3 (Questing Beastimage, Shifting Ceratopsimage, or Vine Mareimage. If you have an opening hand that looks like you're idling for more than 2 turns you should consider a mulligan, especially if you're against Control or Aggro Decks. If you're playing against Midrange you can be more relaxed.
  • Ghalta before the Henge unless if the Henge costs 2. Putting Ghalta out guarantees a 2 cost Henge unless he get's countered or destroyed (which is okay, Henge takes priority since it's more likely to win games!)
  • Yorvo, Lord of GarenbrigimageYorvo is great, he is an exceptionally strong card and I main decked him in all my green decks. However, he dies easily to Lava Coilimage and he can be chumped. I eventually gave up on him because I rarely see him do work. For a three drop Steel Leaf Championimage is so much better because he can't be chumped and Lovestruck Beastimage is so much better because he survives more burn and is great against aggro. For a grower Wildborn Preserverimage is better because it has Reach, Flash, cheaper, and he is capable of growing faster as a mana dump. I just gave up on this card, which is so sad because in theory he should be fantastic in this deck. My experience says otherwise.
  • Planeswalkers? I thought about adding Nissa, Who Shakes the Worldimage and Vivien, Arkbow Rangerimage to this deck, but it was a tradeoff between The Immortal Sunimage. I feel like you could go either way - If you go the planewalker route you have very strong win conditions and you can augment and ramp the deck even further, but then you lose card draw and shutting down enemy planeswalkers. This choice is entirely up to the user, but I chose to go for the artifact since it gives a universal buff to creatures and the card draw.
  • Ripjaw RaptorimageThis is a great card and should be in this deck, I am just too cheap on my wildcards at the moment and trying to save up for Theros haha. Would replace Vine Mareimage or at least in sideboard against Aggro.
  • Thrashing BrontodonimageGreat card, only problem is too slow. 4 mana to do what Return to Natureimage can do for 2 mana at Instant Speed? You can't leave this card on the board and wait for an enchantment or artifact to come up because this creature can be destroyed, but you also shouldn't be hoarding it on your hand because then it's effectively a 4 drop dead card. I hate playing the dance with control decks with this card... So I eventually just dropped it. 
  • Cards that should almost never be cut from the deck and sideboard:
    • Questing Beastimage. I am sorry, but this card does way too much for a 4 drop and have closed many games out for me. Absolute must.
    • Carnage Tyrantimage. This is another overstatted card that is basically a massive middle finger to control decks. 
    • Ghalta, Primal Hungerimage. I just love this card 
    • Llanowar Elvesimage and Paradise Druids. If you need to cut mana dorks just cut the Gilded Gooseimage and/or maybe 1 or 2 Paradise Druids but the never the Llanowar Elvesimage. This is such an important cards to have.
    • The Great Hengeimage. One of the strongest cards in the deck and can save games.
    • Steel Leaf Championimage. Basically Questin Beast's younger, cheaper brother.
    • Grafdigger's Cageimage and Sorcerous Spyglassimage. I love these two cards, they are cheap solutions to the cat/oven combo, Experimental Frenzyimage, shuts down planeswalkers, shuts down reanimating decks, you name it. Funny story, the reason I am using the cage is because my first two games in competitive historic I was facing against Golgari explore and they abused the hell out of Command the Dreadhordeimage and both times they reanimated my Ghalta, Primal Hungerimage against me. I threw 2 Grafdigger's Cageimage on my sideboard so I will never have to deal with that shenanigan again. Then I never saw another explore deck again... but kept the cage anyway because it's saved me many times. It's a high value 1 mana artifact.
    • Thrash // Threat. This card is the best removal mono-green has access to. Instant speed, targets planeswalkers, 2 mana. 
  • Cards to consider putting in:
    • Ripjaw Raptorimage. If I had more wildcards then it would already be here!! He would replace Vine Mare or Wildborn Preserver.
    • Lovestruck Beastimage. Strong against aggro, survives all 1-2 drop burn spells that I know of. Very, very good card
    • Nissa, Who Shakes the Worldimage and/or Vivien, Arkbow Rangerimage. Just very useful win condition or augment to the board. See my point above.
    • Voracious Hydraimage. This is a very good multi-purpose card (Removal or a massive trampler for a decent amount of mana).
    • Stonecoil Serpentimage. I personally love this card to death. Protection from Multi-colored is amazing and having Trample and Reach is fantastic.
    • Gargos, Vicious Watcherimage. You can ramp into this card very quickly and is a deterrant for removal and burn.
    • God-Eternal Rhonasimage. Really thought about this card, it is a game closer and if you have lots of tramplers like Carnage Tyrantimage or Ghalta, Primal Hungerimage you can threaten the enemy. This card would be amazing against Elves or Lifegain
    • Marwyn, the Nurturerimage. There's sooo many elves in this deck this card might actually work beautifully
    • Giant Growthimage I have a soft spot for this card - I love combat tricks and since this drops Ghalta and Henge's cost by 3 for only 1 mana it actually makes sense to use this. 
  • Cards that might work:
    • Pelt Collectorimage. Not bad card, but is kind of bad late game or if you're facing board wipes.
    • Thrashing Brontodonimage. See my point above
    • Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrigimage. See my point above
    • Growth-Chamber Guardianimage. Strong card and synergizes well with Henge to thin deck. Only problem is that adapt is pricey and other two drops can be more effective.
    • Kraul Harpoonerimage. Very good value flyer killer for 2 mana. A little outclassed by Wildborn, the only scenario that this would be better is when you wanna one shot crazy powerful flyers late game and you can use the Undergrowth ability. If Historic had more of those, then I would actually run Kraul over Wildborn. 
    • Nullhide Feroximage. It's a super good, super cool card and it helps get Ghalta out even faster, but I will never forget the several games where its made Rabid Biteimage or the artifacts more expensive... Not bad though, I might throw it back on here. Really thought about making a pure anti control deck where almost all of my creatures have some kind of Hexproof/Protection - we will have to experiment a little bit :) 
    • Gilded Gooseimage. Tried this because I just wanted more consistent turn 2 ramps and mulligans, but I know many green players don't care for this card, and for good reasons. It's one of those cards that get's the job done once and kinda just sits on the board, unlike Llanowar Elves, which can keep producing mana. 

Overall, give this deck a try and let me know what you think!


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Last Updated: 03 Jan 2020
Created: 03 Dec 2019
422 224 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (14 distinct)

Creature (26)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (11)
Land (23)

Sideboard - 15 cards (6 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
26 4 20 10 0
3 6 5 1 0