Historic - Off to York We Go

28 20
20 16 0 24
Aggro Jank

So a Deck I've had fun on Arena with is this lovely pile of junk that somehow has a 50% win rate despite being the absolute Jankiest of Jank! XD Also in Modern! Non-burn Rakdos in Historic? Insanity and yet it works. This is the model I use right now to amuse myself in Modern and it will work in B02 BUT it's a tricky match and being so creature heavy it dies to any kind of insane control heavy board wipe deck. Also I would replace the Zombie with any Gobbo because at lot of old Amass only wants to support Zombies and lot of new stuff wants to support Orcs and don't listen to anyone who tells you that you can make two Army Tokens because you cannot. I mean maybe if you added some Phasing? I would talk toa judge friend on that though. XD And you might as well go full Grixisi and even Sauron. This is just down and dirty Orcs who want to smash your opponent in the face. Main all stars are our enchantment that will net us one Orc Army when we attack with one. Regatha AKA "The Truth" because it deals a whopping -4 to the face and one to their creatures which can then combo with Mirrordin Avenged to make Kharn say "...Not how I inteded that to go but okay whatever kills Sheoldred and only costs 15 cents!" XD Seriously it can be so fun. Also weirdly Mt Doom itself is great when they try to wall up or challenge you to a "Hispanic American Standoff" and allows you to get them down low enough a Fling or two wouldn't be the worst thing. Might be the next version I build because Goblin Fling? One of my all time favorite decks. 


Also if you don't know the origin of the name: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVWEw3rgDlE

One of the best things to come from Rings of Power.


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Last Updated: 14 Jul 2023
Created: 14 Jul 2023
60 33 0

Mainboard - 64 cards (14 distinct)

Creature (20)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (16)
Land (24)
Other (4)

Sideboard - 11 cards (3 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
20 16 4 2 0
0 4 7 0 0