Historic - Have you made a Codie deck yet?

21 15
10 16 8 26
Combo Jank

Kinda just a jank draft of a deck, I'm gonna look over it again later, and probably rewrite/write more here. I'm sure I'll find improvements even sticking with just UR...


Basic idea: If you connect with Hope of Ghirapur every turn, and your opponent has Codie, your opponent can't play any cards on their turn. There would almost definitely be a better way to do this outside of strictly UR (white has plenty of cards that would help I believe...) but I'm currently looking at maybe putting this in for What the Deck and that's UR vs. BG this time.

Best case scenario is that you recur Hope of Ghirapur with Emry, and your opponent hasn't made a big enough board to be a threat against your constant 1-damage poking (Access tunnel for guaranteed pushthrough). "Medium case" your opponent doesn't get the upside of Codie because you have Karn. Worst case they don't even play permanent spells and use all instants or something, in which case you might try to just use Codie yourself and maybe something works out.


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Last Updated: 18 May 2021
Created: 18 May 2021
69 67 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (17 distinct)

Creature (10)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (16)
Land (26)
Planeswalker (8)

Sideboard - 7 cards (6 distinct)


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