Historic - Gruul Dino

26 29
24 8 4 24

Using Scrabbling Claws and Soul-Guide Lantern in the sideboard instead of Deathgorge Scavenger, as the three drop is crowded and we can easily sub in the 1 cost artifacts.


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Last Updated: 12 May 2020
Created: 12 May 2020
10 32 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (15 distinct)

Creature (24)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (8)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (4)

Sideboard - 15 cards (7 distinct)


Maybeboard - 1 cards (1 distinct)


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With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
12 16 31 1 0
0 8 6 1 0