Historic - Esper Superfriends

20 17 29
0 22 12 26
Control Jank

Tier Ratings

The tier system is based on our understanding of the meta in Magic the Gathering Arena. If a deck contains a sideboard, then the deck works for both Best of 1 and Best of 3. If the deck does not contain a sideboard, then the deck is specifically for Best of 1. The Tier of the deck is based on the win-rate we deem the deck able obtain on average. Each Tier will be labeled below with the win-rate we believe the deck can get:

Tier 1: 5-7 wins (always obtain you a profit)

Tier 1.5: 4-7 wins (will have hiccups along the way, but will mostly obtain a profit or break even)

Tier 2: 3-5 wins (has lows and highs, but averages net zero)

Fun: Not meant for Constructed, mainly for Quick Play or Player vs Player duels


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This is an all-around great deck for table top I'd give it a tier 1 rating for tabletop however when it comes to Arena we all know how that is I think a 1.5 is a bit generous for arena not saying this is not a good deck just when it comes to Arena well yeah
I use Boros Angels with 4 copies of Deafening Clarion as in the current meta it's quite useful. It can kill a ton of critters and give lifelink if needed.
Plus, Shalai can take some pressure on her body.
Last Updated: 27 Jan 2024
Created: 06 Aug 2018
59641 4297 2

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Mainboard - 60 cards (28 distinct)

Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (22)
Land (26)
Planeswalker (12)

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Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
0 15 38 7 0
0 0 0 0 0