Historic - Crop Rotation

8 17 32
22 12 0 26
Midrange Jank

Slogurk, the Overslimeimage is the main inspiration here.

Discard lands, return them to hand, discard them again... I'm not sure if this deck does anything to interact with the opponent, but it makes some medium-sized creatures, and does fun weird things!

I was going to put in Ore-Scale Guardianimage but decided it doesn't really do much. If we care about flying creatures, Nylia's Intervention can usually kill those (though it's there for its other use, to fill a hand with land). When it comes down to it, it's just some basic creature that ends up being a little cheaper than its stats.

In case of a sadly slogurk-less state on the board, one can still find value in a graveyard full of land, with Ramunap Excavatorimage or Ruination Rioterimage.

Most everything else in the deck is focused on getting land from the deck into the hand or from the hand into the grave.


There are 26 lands in the deck because we need to discard a lot of them, and Living Twisterimage uses a fair amount of mana on its own.


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Last Updated: 25 Sep 2021
Created: 25 Sep 2021
67 68 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (19 distinct)

Creature (22)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Land (26)

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