Historic - Banefire Shaper

2 1 1
1 3 0 76

 Hey folks, Shdorsh here again. Do you want to play some hot trash? Do you lament the playability of my Thassa's Oracle deck? Well buckle up, buckaroo, because this one here is going to be extremely trashy.

What's the winning condition this time?

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Time for some jank, only this time we have more lands, that are of course more expensive. This game has only 1 win condition, basically: Ping 'em hard! No Zombie Infestationimage for discarding cards and dealing damage, no Thassa's Oracleimage for winning the game by emptying your deck. In fact, this deck doesn't require you to empty your deck in order to win. It is all based on this one card here: Banefireimage.

This deck's strategy is pretty easy:

You see, I've gotten a bit tired of having my trump card countered or other stupid stuff that happens with Thassa's Oracleimage. Hence, I have decided to go Banefireimage, which is a very fun card: It can be used to ping your opponent real hard, or get rid of a huge threat, if you got the right amount of mana. But, of course, you have the right amount of mana, right? I mean, I went extra overboard and gave this deck 80 cards, just to make sure...

Alternatively, you could use any X damage any target sorcery card in the game, but you won't have protection from counters or a way to deal with indestructibles/prevent effects such as Nine Livesimage.

To play loads of lands, use World Shaperimage to get them all back into the game. Now, some foolish idiot might actually even try killing the World Shaperimage before you do anything and we all hope it's not getting exiled or turned into a frog instead. If you have your Banefireimage though, and held on to those Mystic Sanctuaryimage from your massive draw, it might get even funnier, as you can send it back once more for *fun*.

Anyway, once dead, all of the cards come back into play, though tapped. This is a wonderful time to talk to you about non-basic lands...

Complementing this janky mess

You see, most lands usually come back into play tapped, but do something. In other words: we don't lose anything by making them come back into game tapped through World Shaperimage. This is where we make the real magic happen:

We got cards to gain life, in case we wouldn't survive the next turn. Especially Radiant Fountainimage gives you 2 lifepoints back, which is pretty good recovery, but there's more to lands than just that. You might not have drawn your precious Banefireimage yet, thinking "what the hell am I going to do?" Why don't you scry a boatload of times and get your card needed up front? Scrying lands are just there to prevent a no-usable-card scenario, which can either help you to keep casting Treasure Huntimage repetitively until you get it (which isn't a lot in this game). 

Another land that is pretty fun is Crawling Barrensimage, as you can turn it into a massive creature with lots and lots of +1/+1 counters. The only thing I lament is the lack of trample on it, but Mark Rosewater has to at least give the appearance of designing cards in a reasonable way, right?

Alternately, you could fill in the non-basic land bit with any color scry and health regain, I just wanted to optimize it as much as possible.

Draw engine: The same old spiel

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Not much has changed when it comes to getting cards back from the graveyard: You mainly use your Treasure Huntimage to draw loads of lands, remove all non-basic ones, get lay down 3 islands, use Mystic Sanctuaryimage to get it back to the library and Lonely Island to draw 1. There only is some synergy involved in this as your finisher, Banefireimage is also a sorcery and can be returned to your hand easily.


Is this deck good? Nope, it is a bit slow. You could remove 1 Treasure Huntimage, if you feel like being a rockstar, living on the edge. Oh Imperial Stars, I still cringe to this da-

Back on topic, is it strong? Maybe, if you get it right. Only problem is there is a lot that could go wrong with the World Shaperimage, from being ignored by flyers, turned ability-less, exiled, etc., but once your opponent engages his non-menace non-flying +3/X, where X is whatever, or uses an instant on this, you always know you're in for a good laugh.

It is hugely costly in rare wildcards. I still haven't fully finished it on my side, but my friends on stream really want to see this reach its utmost peak and I fear some may threaten me by spamming all the emotes I coded in my chatbot over and over.


As I said, this deck is good for quite some laughs. It feels massively exhilarating, just getting all these lands back in. You also aren't forced to empty out your deck, which can be fun. Another funny moment is when a blue deck thinks they can just nope whatever comes after World Shaperimage as you scry your way down to reveal their innermost existential dread.


All in all, a meme deck for laugh.


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Last Updated: 17 Apr 2021
Created: 31 Mar 2021
401 587 0

Mainboard - 80 cards (18 distinct)

Creature (1)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (3)
Land (76)

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