Explorer - [E] Black Food Devotion

28 15 0 18
Combo Jank

Well, this is fun :-)

You basically draingain your opponent beginning on turn one and preferably finish them off with Gary.

Agadeem, Malakir and Nullpriest get your early-game-chumps or end-game-finishers back from the grave.

Food is there for eating (D'oh!) or to get back your Familiar.

Ayara likes to sacrifice the Scorpion.

Shepherd is there for recurring nightmares.

In case of emergency pull out the Meathooks or bake something into a Pie. (Hmmmmmm, pie ...)

And if you really have nothing to do with your mana: Activate Vito and swing in for the final gaindrain!


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Last Updated: 05 May 2024
Created: 18 Oct 2023
50 15 0

Mainboard - 61 cards (13 distinct)

Creature (28)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (15)
Land (18)

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