Commander - Vigor

16 32 8 3 29
20 37 3 39

Celebrating Field of the Dead being banned in standard? No, you're sad? Welcome!


This deck is mostly jank alt-win-cons that work. With huge mana ramp, zombie walls and unrivalled card draw, this deck races towards wins. 


It has a small sacrifice subtheme with land recursion. This fuels a huge amount of draw in a few cards, and makes Maze's End a more reliable threat. Amulet of Vigor is a massive threat (on top of massive value), in enabling Maze's End immediately. If your "friends" manage to acquire Maze's End or exile it, further goals include casting Door to Nothingness on them, or Approach of the Second Sun, or just run them down with plants, zombies and boars. 


The deck is not very competitive, at a 7/10. However, it may be unfair in casual settings that frown upon land destruction. Still, it should win a game or two at your LGS before people get irritated.


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Last Updated: 24 Oct 2019
Created: 24 Oct 2019
55 51 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (97 distinct)

Creature (20)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (37)
Land (39)
Planeswalker (3)

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