Commander - Syr Carah, Exiled Out (test build)

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I'm still researching cards to buy for this deck, but it fits close enough to my previous Torbran, Thane of Red Fellimage and Toralf, God of Furyimage decks that I had enough of the right cards to throw together a preliminary build.  This is that.  But it will be updated with new cards in the future.  (I just moved back from Cambodia, so I'm still waiting to get back to work and get cash-positive.)


The idea here is pretty simple... lots of cheap sorceries/instants that deal damage to each opponent/player, trying to trigger Syr Carah, the Boldimage for more cards to cast.  There's probably too much ramp, with eight mana rocks that cost 3cc or less, plus another nine cards that either add mana every turn, or a lot once.  The goal is to get set up for casting a lot every turn.  Which means the rest of the deck had better be worth casting!  With damage amplifiers (I sold some of the ones I used to have), protections for Syr Carah, "counters" to targeted removal, and lots of mass creature removal, on top of your opponents' dwindling life from triggering Syr Carah, plus triggers that damage your opponents for each instant/sorcery you cast, the objective is pretty clear... take everyone's life down before they take you out.


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Last Updated: 11 Apr 2024
Created: 11 Apr 2024
48 4 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


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