Commander - Loop Daddy

35 32
29 38 0 31

Goal: Keep flickering my stuff at instant speed to draw cards, protect myself, untap my mana rocks, and recur instants that flicker stuff. Use Abdel so that single target effects can flicker the whole team, and keep stuff exiled with him so that my board state is difficult to interact with. Create a ton of tokens to swing for the win (or draw the deck with a lab man?).

Ramp 9

  • 1 Sol Ring
  • 2 Azorious Signet
  • 2 Arcane Signet
  • 2 Fellwar Stone
  • 2 Liquimetal Torque
  • 2 Mind Stone
  • 3 Decanter of Endless Water 
  • 4 Kor Cartographer
  • 4 Solemn Similacrum
  • There are also 2 cards that ETB and make treasures, and two that ETB and untap lands, but they are not included in this category because they are not as reliable as normal ramp cards, and only really work once the engine gets going

ETB Draw Cards 15

  • 2 Spirited Companion
  • 2 Wall of Omens
  • 2 Fblthp
  • 2 Ichor Wellspring
  • 2 Omen of the Sea
  • 2 Prophetic Prism
  • 2 Golden Egg
  • 2 Guild Globe
  • 3 Dovin's Accuity
  • 3 Sea Gate Oracle
  • 3 Roving Harper
  • 3 Inspiring Overseer
  • 4 Elite Guardmage
  • 4 Trial of Knowledge
  • 3,5 Candlekeep Sage + Abdel

ETB Other Card Advantage 6

  • 3 Tribute Mage (Tutor 2 CMC Artifacts)
  • 4 Archaeomancer (Recur Instant/Sorcery)
  • 4 Repository Skaab (Exploit: Recur Instant/Sorcery)
  • 5 Mnemonic Wall (Recur Instant/Sorcery)
  • 5 Shipwreck Dowser (Recur Instant/Sorcery)
  • 5 Salvager of Secrets (Recur Instant/Sorcery) ---- POTENTIAL CUT

ETB Other 9

  • 2 Cloud of Faeries (Untap 2 Lands)
  • 2 Prized Statue (Create Treasure)
  • 2 Gilded Pinions (Create Treasure)
  • 2 Dawnbringer Cleric (Gain/Destroy Enchantment/Graveyard Hate)
  • 3 Forbidding Spirit (Ghostly Prison)
  • 4 Kor Cartographer (Ramp)
  • 4 Solemn Similacrum (Ramp)
  • 4 Felidar Guardian (Flicker, Go Infinite)
  • 4 Oji (Gain 2 Scry 2)
  • 5 Peregrine Drake (Untap 5 Lands)
  • 6 Wispweaver Angel (Flicker, Go Infinite)


  • 2 Watcher for Tomorrow (Basically draws one from the top 4)
  • 3 Reality Acid (Forces a permanent's owner to sac it)
  • 3,5 Candlekeep Sage + Abdel

Interaction (Likely going to be mostly split between counterspells to protect the key moments when important triggers are on the stack, and creatures with ETBs that bounce/destroy artifacts/enchantments, with a few key supplemental instants and sorceries to get rid of super problematic permanents)

  • 1 Swords to Plowshares (Exile Creature, Give Life)
  • 2 Negate (Counter Noncreature)
  • 2 Dovin's Veto (Uncounterable Negate)
  • 2 Arcane Denial (Counter Spell, Give Cards)
  • 2 Jwari Disruption (Counter Spell unless opponent pays 1)
  • 2 Sejiri Shelter (Protection from one color, Keep Daddy safe)
  • 2 Dawnbringer Cleric (ETB Destroy Enchantment/Graveyard Hate)
  • 3 Reality Acid (Enchant permanent, Force sac on LTB) --- THIS CARD IS EXTREMELY CRUEL
  • 3 Reflector Mage (Bounce a creature, and its controller cant play it for a bit)
  • 4 Glorious Protector (Same effect as Abdel, but with flash and only gets creatures)

Sweepers 2

  • 3 Slaughter the Strong (Leaves Abdel alive so I keep my team)
  • 7 (0) Hour of Reckoning (Convoke, Leaves tokens alive for a blowout)

Individual Flickers/Blinks 13

  • 1 Essence Flux
  • 1 Cloudshift
  • 1 Ephemerate
  • 2 Planar Incision
  • 2 Siren's Ruse
  • 2 Flicker of Fate
  • 2 Justiciar's Portal
  • 2, 4 Momentary Blink
  • 2 Rescue the Foal Adventure
  • 3 Blur
  • 3 Displace
  • 3 Ghostly Flicker
  • 3 Acrobatic Maneuver

Flickers/Blinks on bodies 4

  • 3 Soulherder (Flicker on End Step)
  • 4 Oji (Flicker on Second Spell per Turn)
  • 4 Felidar Guardian (Flicker on ETB, goes infinite with my commander)
  • 6 Wispweaver Angel (Flicker on ETB, goes infinite with my commander)

Mass Flickers/Blinks

  • 5 Abdel
  • 4 Glorious Protector

Instant/Sorcery Recursion that wasn't mentioned already

  • 0 Mystic Sanctuary (Put on top of deck)
  • 3, 0 Mavinda (Gives one card per turn a flashback cost equal to its mana cost as long as it targets a creature you control)

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Last Updated: 04 Jul 2022
Created: 13 Jun 2022
844 90 0

Commander - 2 cards (2 distinct)


Mainboard - 98 cards (75 distinct)

Creature (29)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (38)
Land (31)

Maybeboard - 14 cards (14 distinct)


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