Commander - Inalla Infinite Combo Wizards

61 11 13
39 25 0 35

As a starting hand it is highly recommend to have a wizard with card draw abilities ( Watcher for Tomorrowimage, Sea Gate Oracleimage, Riverwise Augurimage, Merchant of Secretsimage, Cloudkin Seerimage or Champion of Witsimage ). Otherwise one risks to run dry pretty quickly.

The deck enables many different combos. The main goal is to create infinite wizard tokens with haste to beat down your opponents. However, the deck also allows to mill your opponents with Overwhelmed Apprenticeimage or to take infinite turns with Timestream Navigatorimage.


Combo 1: Infinite mana and hasty tokens

image or image
image or image or any other land or mana artefact
Step1: cast Ghostly Flickerimage targeting any of your lands or creatures
Step2: before it resolves, cast Naru Meha, Master Wizardimage and target Ghostly Flickerimage
Step3: the Ghostly Flickerimage copy from Naru Meha, Master Wizardimage should be targeted at Naru Meha, Master Wizardimage and a land or artefact
Step4: before the copy of Ghostly Flickerimage resolves, tap the land/artefact for mana
Step5: let the copy of Ghostly Flickerimage resolve, blinking the land/artefact and Naru Meha, Master Wizardimage
Step6: when Naru Meha, Master Wizardimage flickers, copy the initial Ghostly Flickerimage and repeat from Step3
This will give you infinite mana.
Once you have infinite mana, you can blink another wizard instead of the land/artefact and pay 1 mana everytime to make a token. This way you will have infitite hasty tokens and win!
Side note: Naru Meha, Master Wizardimage is legendary, so only one copy of her will be allowed on the field. When using Dualcaster Mageimage one can directly create token copies of it and win that way.

Combo 2: Infinite mana and hasty tokens

image or image or image
image or image or image

Step1: Archaeomancerimage and Peregrine Drakeimage must be on the battlefield (either casted this turn or before)
Step2: tap all Lands and cast Ghostly Flickerimage targeting Archaeomancerimage and Peregrine Drakeimage
Step3: let Ghostly Flickerimage resolve (and put it in the graveyard)
Step4: let Archaeomancerimage flicker and return Ghostly Flickerimage to your hand
Step5: then Peregrine Drakeimage flickers and untaps 5 lands
(At this point we have two more mana than before in the pool as Ghostly Flickerimage only costs 3)
Step5: repeat from Step2 for infinite mana

If one of the two mana is paid for creating tokens of Archaeomancerimage, we also get infinite tokens.
Side note: Once infinite mana is available, one could also flicker another create instead of the Peregrine Drakeimage and pay for token copies of this creature

Combo 3: Infinite turns

(in total you will need 9 mana for this)

Step1: Riptide Laboratoryimage must be in play
Step2: cast Timestream Navigatorimage and pay the additional mana for the Inalla, Archmage Ritualistimage eminence trigger to get the token copy
Step3: activate the ability of the token copy to take an additional turn
Step4: activate the bounce ability of Riptide Laboratoryimage to get the Timestream Navigatorimage back into your hand
Step5: take your next turn and repeat from Step2

With this combo you can play land each turn and effectively draw your whole library (or until you have one of the other combos)


Combo 4: Mill your opponents

image or image or image
image or image
Step1: Cast or have Overwhelmed Apprenticeimage in play
Step2: Cast one of the blink spells, e.g. Ghostly Flickerimage targeting whatever you want
Step3: Flash in Naru Meha, Master Wizardimage or Dualcaster Mageimage and copy the blink spell
Step4: Choose your flashed in wizard and Overwhelmed Apprenticeimage as targets for the copy of the blink spell
Step5: Blink Overwhelmed Apprenticeimage first and then your flashed in wizard, copying again the original blink spell
Step6: Repeat from Step4 which will mill for each blink of Overwhelmed Apprenticeimage your opponents by 2 cards

Combo 6: Nonbasic land punishment

image or image or image
image or image
The combo is the same as Combo 5, but with Anathemancerimage instead of Overwhelmed Apprenticeimage.
If every opponent has at least one nonbasic land in play, you can kill all of them with this combo.

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Last Updated: 07 Mar 2020
Created: 10 Feb 2020
3825 220 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (86 distinct)

Creature (39)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (25)
Land (35)

Maybeboard - 7 cards (7 distinct)


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