Commander - Ghave Aristocrats Final

14 41 45
43 22 0 35


Ghave loves combos. The main combo here is comprised of 2 pieces: sac fodder to loop and a way to drain our opponents when we sac creatures.

Combo Pieces

On a budget, this consists of the following options (some adding a third piece to the combo):

  • Any Undying creature + sac outlet + Ghave + a drain creature + a mana source from saccing.
  • Any Persist creature + either Ghave and a mana source to remove the counter or a creature that puts a counter on the creature just for etb + drain creature
  • Ghave + creature that puts a counter on creature for etb + mana source (though not pawn of ulamog) + drain creature (keep saccing to add mana, then use mana to remove the free counter for a token and sac that)

The Backup Plans

  • Build up and swing: we can either build up a creature with evasion like Champion of Lambholtimage or any of our flying creatures (including a spirit token) to swing in for massive damage
  • Go wide: we can either go wide and swing with Champion of Lambholtimage giving everyone evasion or go wide and cast Gruesome Fateimage to finish off our opponents

All of these should be fine backup plans imo but not as ideal as a combo.

Considerations While Building The Deck

  • Prefer mana dorks over fetch sorceries and artifacts. This is because dorks can be sac fodder. I still included some artifacts because they are more resilient to board wipes
  • Stay disciplined and keep the curve low since our combo pieces are cheap
  • Have enough card draw and tutors within our budget to get our combo pieces somewhat consistently

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Last Updated: 02 Aug 2019
Created: 12 Jul 2019
211 67 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 100 cards (85 distinct)

Creature (43)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (22)
Land (35)

Maybeboard - 91 cards (91 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
41 36 22 1 0
0 0 0 1 0