Commander - Budget CEDH, Varolz-Hulk

36 35
24 44 0 31

It's your classic Hulk deck, except its only two colors and it doesn't have flash. Pretty simple hulk lines use body snatcher for utility creatures and the main combo is windrattle scarecrow or Lesser Masticoreimage + Melira, Sylvok Outcastimage + Disciple of the Vaultimage + any sac outlet. If a piece is in the graveyard use Golgari Thugimage + Body Snatcherimage sac both then get the combo with the piece on top again. You can Body Snatcherimage + Caustic Caterpillarimage to get rid of pesky artifacts. Most of the rest of the deck is just card draw and removal.

And that's it BUDGET Hulk combo. But, if you have some fatter pockets here are some notable substitutes. 

Creature... Mostly this is optimized but Grim Flayerimage or Deathrite Shamanimage can optimize the deck further.

Spells... Obviously better removal spells can be added such as Abrupt Decayimage or Assassin's Trophyimage and the deck can be made more consistent by adding cards such as Grim Tutorimage, Demonic Tutorimage, Vampiric Tutorimage, etc.

Ramp... Obvious upgrades include ANY MOXXES, Chrome Moximage, Mox Amberimage, Mox Diamondimage, etc.

Enchantments... some fun upgrades include alluren but optimization upgrades include Carpet of Flowersimage, Necropotenceimage, Necromancyimage

Lands... This is an easy upgrade. Use faster lands such as Overgrown Tombimage, Woodland Cemeteryimage, and Blooming Marshimage and some utility lands such as Gaea's Cradleimage, Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmothimage, and Cabal Coffersimage

And that's it, Varolz-hulk in the flesh. This deck is very competitive and fun and I enjoy playing it a lot.


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Last Updated: 26 May 2020
Created: 26 May 2020
174 113 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (84 distinct)

Creature (24)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (44)
Land (31)

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