All decks with Youtube videos

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Forsaken Engine
Historic BO1

20 Sep by Motumbo

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Azorius Control
Traditional Standard

20 Sep by Pochusaurus

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Copy Caller
Historic BO1

20 Sep by LegenVD

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Standard BO1

20 Sep by HamHocks42

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[ZEN] Gruul Adventure
Traditional Standard

20 Sep by MTG_Joe

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Zendikar Mono Red
Standard BO1

20 Sep by DrSpilikin

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Zendikar 5 Color Party
Standard BO1

20 Sep by mtgmatt18

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Naya Landfall
Standard BO1

20 Sep by mtgmatt18

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ZNR / The Lake of Souls
Standard BO1

20 Sep by Wewru

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Server Breaking Mutate
Standard BO1

20 Sep by GamerEnvy

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Gruul Landfall - ZNR First Take
Traditional Standard

20 Sep by powrdragn

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Mutated Scutes
Standard BO1

20 Sep by DrSpilikin

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Santa's Salt Surprise
Historic BO1

20 Sep by striderstone

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Order of Destiny
Standard BO1

20 Sep by Merlin0012000

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Temporal Bacon
Historic BO1

20 Sep by striderstone

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Forsaking Colors
Standard BO1

20 Sep by AKA_Syx

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Jund Sacrifice
Historic BO1

19 Sep by evilempire