Team Aether

We never Lose, we only Improve.
We never Punt, we only Learn.
We Grow Together.
We Surpass ourselves.


To be part of Team Aether is to have the mindset of someone who does not believe in defeat, losses are nothing but experience. The one who makes no mistakes makes nothing at all. Our only goal is to surpass ourselves and to grow together as a community. We know that our paths are different but what matters the most is the journey. Team Aether is more than a group, it is a mindset and a way of living. We are all Magic: The Gathering players.

Note: The Team Aether Team on MTGA Assistant is separate from the streaming team. So content creators wanting to create their own team can leave the team without any consequence for other functionality.

Log in to Join

User Role Date

Team Members

andreliverod Leader 2/1/2020
VesselOfCreation Leader 3/24/2020
KillaDub Participant 3/9/2020
AdamTheAntPlays Participant 3/9/2020
kappolo Participant 3/9/2020
BouncerWatts Participant 3/12/2020
Chengalenga Participant 3/12/2020
Havoc_Rebirth Participant 3/21/2020
LoadedGuns Participant 3/21/2020
BloodedScalp Participant 3/22/2020
aragonjohn7 Participant 3/23/2020
pikkulena Participant 3/24/2020
SteveMPlays Participant 3/24/2020
WaifuGate Participant 3/24/2020
rustynai1 Participant 3/24/2020
firstoni Participant 3/24/2020
mksnake7 Participant 3/24/2020
ckupfuture Participant 3/24/2020
ghostinthemachine Participant 3/24/2020
TaaliaVess Participant 3/24/2020
metamorphic Participant 3/24/2020
TheGravecrawler Participant 3/24/2020
Jake_MTG Participant 3/24/2020
KonaRossi Participant 3/24/2020
CelticCorpseTTV Participant 3/24/2020
GraveyFries Participant 3/24/2020
Azhariel Participant 3/24/2020
breannaleetan Participant 3/24/2020
cariboulive Participant 3/24/2020
thewillhallexp Participant 3/24/2020
mercurioblue Participant 3/24/2020
danytlaw Participant 3/24/2020
lodakras Participant 3/24/2020
UnReaLz_TV Participant 3/24/2020
radicalmari Participant 3/24/2020
FlummoxKid Participant 3/24/2020
JMGH Participant 3/24/2020
purplatypus Participant 3/24/2020
MrBevers Participant 3/24/2020
ratsrelyk7 Participant 3/24/2020
fisyolo Participant 3/24/2020
GuanoMaestro Participant 3/24/2020
FleshEatinGnome Participant 3/24/2020
LKv118 Participant 3/24/2020
CaptainJamoke Participant 3/24/2020
opfixgamerking Participant 3/24/2020
craigmack378 Participant 3/24/2020
titanrune Participant 3/24/2020
DaveKay Participant 3/24/2020
MTGTavern Participant 3/24/2020
jdgreenidge Participant 3/24/2020
mrarmbars Participant 3/24/2020
renselsc Participant 3/24/2020
RealNerdsRealTalk Participant 3/24/2020
vidjalante Participant 3/24/2020
Drawza Participant 3/24/2020
ElevationAV Participant 3/24/2020
BassyBunny Participant 3/24/2020
thecomputerking Participant 3/24/2020
GrilledCheeseSandies Participant 3/24/2020
JBoogieMTG Participant 3/24/2020
CyGorithm Participant 3/24/2020
TimeWalkTV Participant 3/24/2020
tru_axemtg Participant 3/24/2020
MythicMikaela Participant 3/24/2020
theobsolete Participant 3/24/2020
shellyd Participant 3/24/2020
HelloGoodGame Participant 3/24/2020
bladefury00 Participant 3/24/2020
Maechael1916 Participant 3/24/2020
gondek1 Participant 3/24/2020
remixrubix Participant 3/24/2020
PanicMTG Participant 3/24/2020
festasy Participant 3/24/2020
Austinx2014 Participant 3/24/2020
strictlyjess Participant 3/24/2020
dylan_mtg Participant 3/24/2020
hype_ai Participant 3/24/2020
mh_voltage Participant 3/24/2020
IrishTriCoach Participant 3/24/2020
phelddy_ Participant 3/24/2020
ms_rubyrogue Participant 3/24/2020
synseer83 Participant 3/24/2020
Katnabis Participant 3/24/2020
mtgalchemy Participant 3/24/2020
cncpowerhour Participant 3/24/2020
MTG_Joe Participant 3/24/2020
1r0nE Participant 3/24/2020
ikkiy Participant 3/24/2020
incredibad_gaming Participant 3/24/2020
mrpunchingbag Participant 3/24/2020
thecorgibutts Participant 3/24/2020
wizard138 Participant 3/24/2020
Gergred Participant 3/24/2020
OhDanPiano Participant 3/24/2020
azoriusftw Participant 3/24/2020
schlombat Participant 3/24/2020
di_crowley Participant 3/24/2020
kurraku0 Participant 3/24/2020
DecrepitSundew3 Participant 3/24/2020
mtgmountaintalk Participant 3/24/2020
AgentCaelus Participant 3/25/2020
CrunchyKleenex Participant 3/29/2020
hikiyamamatsurika Participant 3/31/2020
manverutaure Participant 3/31/2020
sorkantir Participant 3/31/2020
CoastalWizard Participant 3/31/2020
Mazerdark Participant 3/31/2020
MTGJeff Participant 4/1/2020
yourfault Participant 4/2/2020
TheGrymmBlade Participant 4/2/2020
AlwaysBoltTheBird Participant 4/2/2020
thepunisher57925 Participant 4/3/2020
xxgoodfella83 Participant 4/4/2020
krewboy Participant 4/5/2020
bakitwhy69 Participant 4/6/2020
ming50 Participant 4/6/2020
BenStiger Participant 4/6/2020
dice2k6 Participant 4/6/2020
Dado_Dado Participant 4/6/2020
Yellow9933 Participant 4/6/2020
SausageDuden Participant 4/9/2020
korvo Participant 4/9/2020
Yellow1993 Participant 4/9/2020
sebkierst Participant 4/9/2020
SydSyx Participant 4/11/2020
mmmlev Participant 4/13/2020
MEI5TER Participant 4/14/2020
isk0wee Participant 4/14/2020
Black_Eagle Participant 4/17/2020
YuriGagarin69 Participant 4/18/2020
rainbow Participant 4/18/2020
Bubuchi_Naila Participant 4/18/2020
skyzofrenic Participant 4/18/2020
tattoemar Participant 4/19/2020
Shindler Participant 4/19/2020
johnnydeathtouch Participant 4/23/2020
theelkspeaks Participant 4/25/2020
Winsdino06 Participant 4/25/2020
mtgjesus Participant 4/27/2020
BrokenDays Participant 4/29/2020
ra_ra_ra_ra Participant 4/29/2020
ZimboSnortch Participant 4/29/2020
Morgengrauen Participant 4/30/2020
kevinchen253 Participant 5/4/2020
THEKEONIMTG Participant 5/8/2020
Joshuaveeee Participant 5/8/2020
iam1313 Participant 5/13/2020
larkinwong Participant 5/17/2020
captainhell Participant 5/17/2020
plumber462 Participant 5/17/2020
IChenry Participant 5/17/2020
IzzetABCannon Participant 5/17/2020
klontos77 Participant 5/22/2020
Traple Participant 5/24/2020
UchihaWotto Participant 5/24/2020
CLenkiu Participant 5/28/2020
Kirasath Participant 6/3/2020
MTGBowman Participant 6/3/2020
Mourningstar Participant 6/4/2020
maketu Participant 6/4/2020
Hellvino Participant 6/11/2020
fdelmo Participant 6/11/2020
davidcoe65 Participant 6/18/2020
michaeljulianto Participant 6/18/2020
HarrowingHarvey Participant 6/20/2020
jacethekindsculptor Participant 6/22/2020
hhayes012 Participant 6/29/2020
HamHocks42 Participant 6/30/2020
DdaLestat Participant 7/5/2020
IglooBoi8 Participant 7/5/2020
JoshuaJackson Participant 7/5/2020
ArchitectsOfChaos Participant 7/5/2020
richjobes Participant 7/5/2020
Znuter Participant 7/5/2020
tamyo Participant 7/7/2020
jimmypop_ Participant 7/10/2020
Kelmet Participant 7/10/2020
MALIKJONES Participant 7/10/2020
postalguru Participant 7/13/2020
skandar Participant 7/16/2020
pairanormal504 Participant 7/17/2020
vladsnz Participant 7/17/2020
Grimblor Participant 7/19/2020
kratos4d Participant 7/19/2020
Adrazzer Participant 7/22/2020
j3ra_tv Participant 7/23/2020
Legend740 Participant 7/23/2020
deviantone Participant 7/27/2020
HibikiHai Participant 7/27/2020
TheWizerd Participant 7/27/2020
The_Jinx Participant 7/27/2020
GTOnizuka Participant 7/29/2020
SebHornet36 Participant 8/3/2020
janky_pm Participant 8/3/2020
Goose_ Participant 8/3/2020
flyrin Participant 8/3/2020
FabriceLeTemps Participant 8/4/2020
mistaed3 Participant 8/4/2020
MagicMouse Participant 8/5/2020
yuval Participant 8/5/2020
WeirdestWorlds Participant 8/10/2020
sweensters7 Participant 8/10/2020
Silberback Participant 8/11/2020
SuspiciousWolf Participant 8/13/2020
uf_damus Participant 8/16/2020
Rdutcher0002 Participant 8/16/2020
MagicMagus Participant 8/17/2020
Boogeyman Participant 8/18/2020
doctorfoxtrot Participant 8/18/2020
Apple_THC Participant 8/19/2020
Dracomagus86 Participant 8/19/2020
chilewop319 Participant 8/19/2020
MTGDaymion Participant 8/21/2020
tOne Participant 8/21/2020
PabloEscobar Participant 8/24/2020
allask Participant 8/24/2020
RogueDruid Participant 8/24/2020
Vankleiss Participant 8/25/2020
legendaryninja28 Participant 8/28/2020
jrrafael Participant 8/31/2020
JimLahey100Proof Participant 8/31/2020
rhyseldian Participant 8/31/2020
uncle_russ Participant 9/2/2020
acemeatsgirl Participant 9/2/2020
Tenzin13 Participant 9/5/2020
Reitsch_ Participant 9/8/2020
hondo19k Participant 9/9/2020
vanishd1711 Participant 9/11/2020
LadySparky Participant 9/13/2020
blankstank Participant 9/18/2020
misterdayz Participant 9/21/2020
ItzBrungy Participant 9/25/2020
pacodaman Participant 9/25/2020
Russ7887 Participant 9/25/2020
Rayvenhaus Participant 9/25/2020
Bagmon Participant 9/29/2020
MaelstromL7 Participant 10/1/2020
Valarien Participant 10/1/2020
Xyrozukin Participant 10/5/2020
blobbsx Participant 10/5/2020
lazyace1985 Participant 10/9/2020
FullOnRampage Participant 10/9/2020
Puerility Participant 10/10/2020
Thee_PopTart Participant 10/12/2020
bigxjulius Participant 10/21/2020
Brazilyan Participant 10/31/2020
sadasar Participant 10/31/2020
Darkohl Participant 11/4/2020
BenDMC Participant 11/4/2020
Boca Participant 11/8/2020
Lughetto Participant 11/8/2020
M15t3rF15t3r Participant 11/9/2020
Vereaux078 Participant 11/9/2020
TTVmindoflegends Participant 11/11/2020
emory.hotchkiss1 Participant 11/18/2020
QwanDizzle Participant 11/25/2020
ArtemiseFool Participant 12/4/2020
Trauerspiel Participant 12/9/2020
XxMenacexX Participant 12/11/2020
tman2375 Participant 12/13/2020
Breadbox Participant 12/14/2020
Allmanaq Participant 12/18/2020
DaveXXXVI Participant 12/18/2020
seeflat Participant 12/18/2020
BrandonSabean Participant 12/29/2020
BOPBOP71 Participant 12/31/2020
HandsomeSamson Participant 12/31/2020
TheVersatileDoctor Participant 1/9/2021
TurtleBox Participant 1/9/2021
Glorious Participant 1/12/2021
twizeguy Participant 1/13/2021
Bije Participant 1/25/2021
Physman101 Participant 2/1/2021
Drevni Participant 2/1/2021
Hodgie25 Participant 2/6/2021
Uglyhead Participant 2/6/2021
Roveboy Participant 2/15/2021
iq722 Participant 2/15/2021
viper2181 Participant 2/17/2021
BoosterGold Participant 2/17/2021
doughpop Participant 2/21/2021
urzamage Participant 2/21/2021
KnightsWhoSayYee Participant 3/4/2021
HereticHenry Participant 3/19/2021
Charmer Participant 3/19/2021
markdandoy Participant 3/29/2021
Fleksz Participant 4/1/2021
Dimuz Participant 4/7/2021
stw_skullz Participant 4/7/2021
Plotkiller Participant 4/12/2021
Blaze55 Participant 4/17/2021
MTGSolkanar Participant 4/22/2021
vorenus Participant 4/22/2021
AetherWalker Participant 4/23/2021
StenUK Participant 5/1/2021
mtgdad1222 Participant 5/1/2021
Corvidae Participant 5/1/2021
MornGreycastle Participant 6/28/2021
BehindTheGnoll Participant 6/28/2021
kman Participant 7/3/2021
poker4life79 Participant 7/7/2021
Angelbyby Participant 7/8/2021
liriagm Participant 7/11/2021
fitzitz Participant 7/14/2021
Monstermike Participant 7/31/2021
Krebi Participant 7/31/2021
PeNnYwIsE Participant 7/31/2021
IvanSB Participant 7/31/2021
FailureGuaranteedShdorsh Participant 8/8/2021
Nemosama Participant 8/8/2021
peteloy Participant 8/8/2021
Z3Sniper Participant 8/13/2021
dreiand Participant 8/17/2021
dclupper Participant 8/17/2021
mboucetta Participant 8/25/2021
Demon Participant 8/25/2021
Dalamarelven Participant 9/23/2021
crackkillz Participant 9/23/2021
Rohindo Participant 10/5/2021
MtgNizal Participant 10/5/2021
Highlander Participant 10/12/2021
RawIndigo Participant 11/3/2021
gunnsitmas Participant 11/3/2021
carapace Participant 11/11/2021
kumai Participant 11/21/2021
mattyboy6579 Participant 11/21/2021
DawningSeraphim Participant 11/30/2021
Zeechy Participant 12/1/2021
darkriot4201 Participant 12/8/2021
rugh Participant 12/28/2021
Grimey_ Participant 1/2/2022
EtherDojo Participant 1/10/2022
monga8210 Participant 1/10/2022
EVIL_insidez Participant 1/19/2022
S4ZZ1 Participant 1/19/2022
Marcus Participant 1/20/2022
Familitz Participant 2/6/2022
Arcadragon Participant 2/25/2022
launghe Participant 3/8/2022
miles_fromhome Participant 3/14/2022
twar342 Participant 3/24/2022
coltrain5041 Participant 3/28/2022
Calaaj Participant 4/1/2022
-Trama- Participant 4/7/2022
JKThrizzle Participant 4/7/2022
dmnlnk2007 Participant 4/7/2022
TylerD Participant 4/12/2022
Saturn Participant 4/12/2022
Timon Participant 5/1/2022
rzmf Participant 5/1/2022
Corb Participant 5/1/2022
xIISlipIIx Participant 5/2/2022
Rotrix Participant 5/3/2022
Poooootato Participant 5/8/2022
MysticShadow Participant 5/9/2022
Santig777 Participant 5/15/2022
CASSAVA Participant 5/15/2022
DariyaSP Participant 5/19/2022
Dimon Participant 5/23/2022
Llywd77 Participant 6/1/2022
InfiniteEffort Participant 6/8/2022
Onix Participant 6/13/2022
Hannah1575 Participant 6/17/2022
POL41 Participant 6/17/2022
BagelHoard Participant 6/23/2022
theunruled1967 Participant 6/27/2022
sweensters Participant 7/2/2022
raehawk Participant 7/4/2022
lethal_hitz Participant 7/4/2022
TheDeepBeyond Participant 7/6/2022
ShatterClone Participant 7/9/2022
ReddishDinosaur Participant 7/19/2022
notalwaysinflux Participant 7/23/2022
Junnix Participant 7/25/2022
schmidtdaniel79 Participant 7/27/2022
MajicShark Participant 7/28/2022
duck1soup Participant 8/16/2022
Maffeie Participant 8/21/2022
MechArcanist Participant 8/30/2022
mojoe_rogue Participant 8/30/2022
Magicalex54 Participant 9/14/2022
LordBelros Participant 9/28/2022
penguins6687 Participant 10/2/2022
sliferz Participant 10/5/2022
musclehamstr Participant 10/15/2022
kenpachiiii1 Participant 11/1/2022
VixenNeon Participant 11/8/2022
WarDogDown Participant 11/16/2022
koivixen Participant 12/8/2022
AndreaFriguglietti Participant 12/17/2022
MTGAooops Participant 1/6/2023
EVIL-_-HEX Participant 1/8/2023
Chupacabra Participant 1/16/2023
Azereth Participant 1/16/2023
Lutz Participant 1/29/2023
SebbyBlack Participant 2/1/2023
hereisaaron Participant 2/26/2023
Jaxonation Participant 3/11/2023
Nio43 Participant 3/24/2023
thegirlwhowins Participant 4/10/2023
SupaJ36 Participant 4/18/2023
Calebk07 Participant 4/18/2023
Modo3 Participant 4/25/2023
ragnarrvik Participant 5/10/2023
Kosmo_92 Participant 5/15/2023
dysagio Participant 5/20/2023
Cinnaman Participant 5/27/2023
baldurslight Participant 6/6/2023
GearHulk70 Participant 7/2/2023
R4PTOR Participant 7/11/2023
Sykynd Participant 7/11/2023
The_Crimson_Alchemist Participant 8/26/2023
Season 73
Placement Name Winrate
1. theunruled1967
Mythic 98%
323 wins 286 losses 1 draws
2. Havoc_Rebirth
Mythic 97%
83 wins 73 losses 0 draws
3. Puerility
Diamond Tier 4
65 wins 46 losses 0 draws
4. Highlander
Diamond Tier 4
60 wins 57 losses 0 draws
5. poker4life79
Diamond Tier 4
40 wins 38 losses 0 draws
6. Calebk07
Diamond Tier 4
38 wins 27 losses 0 draws
7. Nio43
Platinum Tier 1
47 wins 37 losses 0 draws
8. SausageDuden
Platinum Tier 2
76 wins 77 losses 0 draws
9. dclupper
Platinum Tier 2
32 wins 13 losses 0 draws
10. markdandoy
Platinum Tier 3
27 wins 27 losses 1 draws
11. Apple_THC
Platinum Tier 3
21 wins 15 losses 0 draws
12. Sykynd
Platinum Tier 4
24 wins 34 losses 0 draws
13. Filby44
Platinum Tier 4
53 wins 53 losses 0 draws
14. iq722
Platinum Tier 4
27 wins 26 losses 0 draws
15. Reign0vDarkness
Platinum Tier 4
46 wins 42 losses 0 draws
16. Rdutcher0002
Gold Tier 2
3 wins 3 losses 0 draws
17. tamyo
Gold Tier 2
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
18. EVIL_insidez
Gold Tier 3
15 wins 13 losses 1 draws
19. monga8210
Gold Tier 3
39 wins 56 losses 1 draws
20. mboucetta
Gold Tier 4
6 wins 5 losses 0 draws
21. fdelmo
Gold Tier 4
4 wins 4 losses 0 draws
22. stonerdavid420
Silver Tier 2
10 wins 24 losses 1 draws
23. IvanSB
Silver Tier 3
15 wins 17 losses 0 draws
24. SupaJ36
Silver Tier 4
6 wins 1 losses 0 draws
25. mh_voltage
Silver Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
26. Filby44
Bronze Tier 3
3 wins 7 losses 0 draws
27. SydSyx
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
28. plumber462
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
29. VesselOfCreation
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
30. pikkulena
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
31. Marcus
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
32. Kenzitron
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
Season 73
Placement Name Winrate
1. iq722
Gold Tier 1
7 wins 8 losses 0 draws
2. Sykynd
Gold Tier 4
4 wins 5 losses 1 draws
3. SupaJ36
Bronze Tier 1
2 wins 0 losses 0 draws
4. dclupper
Bronze Tier 1
4 wins 3 losses 0 draws
5. Reign0vDarkness
Bronze Tier 2
4 wins 2 losses 0 draws
6. Apple_THC
Bronze Tier 2
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
7. Filby44
Bronze Tier 3
3 wins 3 losses 0 draws
8. fdelmo
Bronze Tier 3
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
9. mh_voltage
Bronze Tier 3
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
10. theunruled1967
Bronze Tier 3
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
11. Puerility
Bronze Tier 3
3 wins 3 losses 0 draws
12. mboucetta
Bronze Tier 3
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
13. markdandoy
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
14. Marcus
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
15. EVIL_insidez
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
16. monga8210
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
17. Calebk07
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
18. Highlander
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
19. poker4life79
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
20. IvanSB
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
21. Kenzitron
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
22. stonerdavid420
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
23. pikkulena
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
24. tamyo
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
25. SausageDuden
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
26. Havoc_Rebirth
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
27. SydSyx
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
28. plumber462
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
29. Nio43
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
30. Rdutcher0002
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
31. Filby44
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws
32. VesselOfCreation
Bronze Tier 4
0 wins 0 losses 0 draws