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Ixalan Limited Quiz

Answered: 0/20
Accuracy: 0
Rummaging Goblin
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: You’re not super interested in doing this in this format. This can’t trade for much and rummaging is really slow
Skittering Heartstopper
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This can trade with everything if you have Black mana up, and as always that kind of death touch creature is a solid playable. It isn’t great at attacking, though it can be a bit of a Raid enabler since people often don’t want to block it
Vance's Blasting Cannons // Spitfire Bastion
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: So this is a card that you tap out for and it doesn’t add to the board right away, but it really pays you off for that, since you get to effectively draw an extra card every turn this is in play. Even with the extra card, transforming this isn’t the easiest thing ever, but the good news is its really powerful even if you aren’t transforming it. That said, being able to Bolt things for 3 damage over and over again is also quite powerful
Star of Extinction
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This is definitely slow, but casting it usually gives you a great chance at winning the game since it sweeps the board. 7 mana is a ton in this format though, and like all sweepers, there are situations where it hurts you more than your opponent. Still, it can utterly reshape the game in a way not many cards can
Shadowed Caravel
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This is a nice Explore payoff, though it is honestly less impressive than either of the Uncommon ones!
Bloodcrazed Paladin
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This is harder to set up than it looks at first. Its easy to imagine scenarios where its just massive, and those things do happen, but one awkward thing about it is that it isn’t really a Flash creature that actually ambushes stuff, because most creatures die during combat. So the usual way this works is that you make a couple of trades and then you flash it in at the end of your opponents’ turn and get a reasonably efficient creature. But there are plenty of turns where it is just a 1/1 or a 2/2, and while a 2/2 is passable, it certainly isn’t special
Ruin Raider
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: This 3-mana 3/2 draws you a card often enough that its pretty darn sweet. Sure, you take some damage along the way, but you’ll have lots of lands and probably a pretty low curve, so you can endure that for all the extra cards
Wind Strider
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This isn’t anything special, but it definitely can ambush creatures sometimes, and it gives you a sort of decent flyer too
Pterodon Knight
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This is a decent enough Dinosaur payoff, and in a lot of White decks it will have Flying often enough to make it worth it.
Sanguine Sacrament
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: Card’s that just gain you life are basically always bad in Limited, and that’s even true with this card. It is a little better than most, because it can be sort of a legit win condition sometimes, since you get to put it back in your deck and draw it again, but you have to be gaining some insane life with this to make that happen.
Storm Sculptor
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This is clunky. With only 2 toughness it can die to a whole lot of cheap removal in the format. This format of course has a lot of creatures that die to that kind of removal, but most of the creatures that’s true about also cost a lot less, so it doesn’t feel quite as miserable when your opponent pays 1-2 mana to destroy this. This definitely does feel miserable, especially because you can end up a hurting your tempo at the same time, since you have to bounce something. You can, of course, bounce something that gives you value, but that’s not something that always lines up.
Captivating Crew
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: This has a powerful activated ability, even if it is a bit expensive. It lets you just steal your opponent’s best creature every turn and throw it at them, and that’s kind of the floor. Sometimes stealing an opposing creature is enough to just give you lethal in the first place
Otepec Huntmaster
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: Reducing the cost of your dinosaurs and giving them Haste is pretty spicy, as there are some nice 4 and 5 mana Dinosaurs that you’ll want to play, and this powers them out nicely
Deathless Ancient
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This is another expensive card that is definitely held back by the speed of this format. You want cheaper creatures for the most part. This certainly has a nice ability since it can come back to your hand, but you do need to be going reasonably wide with Vampires to do it. It is a decent payoff if you’re in the Vampire deck, but not really a premiere one
Captain Lannery Storm
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: She generates treasure for you when she attacks, which effectively makes her a 3/2 with Haste, and the threat of sacrificing the treasure to bump up her power often makes her hard to block. If she is allowed to attack more than once, she does build you a pretty impressive advantage
Legion's Judgment
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This is narrow removal, though it is reasonably efficient when it does have targets.
Glacial Fortress
Average Picked At: 9.00
Total Times Picked: 1
Average Last Seen At: 0.00
Total Times Seen 0
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: As always, the dual land cycle in this set offers nice fixing that you should be interested in if they are in your exact color pair, or if they help you splash something.
Imperial Lancer
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: Gaining double strike is nice, but it isn’t that impressive on a 1/1. And sure, you can enhance this to make it better, but there’s just better things you could be doing. This isn’t the dinosaur payoff you’re looking for.
Verdant Sun's Avatar
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: Expensive cards in this format can be a liability, but this one does something that can actually help you stabilize against aggressive decks – and that is gain you at on of life. A 7-mana 5/5 that gains you 5 life can certainly get you back ahead from behind, and if you untap and play another creature things can get really out of hand. It is still quite expensive, but it is one of the few high mana cards in the format that I think you can take pretty highly
Ravenous Daggertooth
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: Trading with this and gaining 2 life is pretty reasonable, and if you’re the beat down it’s a decent attacker too
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