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Strixhaven: School of Mages Limited Quiz

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Pestilent Cauldron
Average Picked At: 4.11
Total Times Picked: 35
Average Last Seen At: 3.96
Total Times Seen 139
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: The Artifact side on this is a nice little Swiss Army Knife. Turning lands you draw into Pests in the late game isn’t too bad, and sometimes you may even be able to mill your opponent a significant amount. The card draw effect is probably the best of the abilities, but it does ask for cards in graveyards to make it work. How good this is will be really dependent on the speed of this format, but I can see it grinding out some winds. The Restorative Boon side is also pretty good -- sure, your opponent gets to gain the life too, but that’s kind of a wash since its symmetrical. The important thing is that you can can use it in the late game to get important things back to your hand, a play that can be quite nice in longer games. Overall, I think the whole package here is a pretty good card.
Clever Lumimancer
Average Picked At: 8.78
Total Times Picked: 92
Average Last Seen At: 6.94
Total Times Seen 1035
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: So for the Luminancer, its Magecraft effect is basically Super Prowess. It reminds me quite a bit of Steppe Lynx, in that they are both one mana 0/1s that want you to jump through some hoops to make them really efficient creatures. Thing is, Steppe Lynx isn’t great in a format like Limited, where games tend to go long , and making the creature big enough consistently just isn’t that easy. I think this will have a similar problem. It might be great in the early going, but keeping it relevant just won’t be that easy, and it will quickly fade as the game goes on. Now, if you are an aggro deck with a bunch of tricks, the Luminancer is going to be probably be at its best.
Reckless Amplimancer
Average Picked At: 9.86
Total Times Picked: 303
Average Last Seen At: 8.63
Total Times Seen 3030
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: So, this is a bear with some nice late game upside, especially for decks that are either capable of producing a lot of mana or capable of putting +1/+1 counters on stuff. Or even better, both! UG is the Green color pair that will be the rampeist, and I really think it is going to want some late game manasinks, and this definitely delivers. Now, it isn’t especially efficient to pump this thing, but it is something to do with your mana. And, obviously, +1/+1 counters make it more efficient too. This is just going to be a solid two drop for pretty much all Green decks.
Elemental Expressionist
Average Picked At: 2.89
Total Times Picked: 45
Average Last Seen At: 3.07
Total Times Seen 127
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: This has good stats to begin with, and then it has a really complicated Magecraft trigger that basically makes it so if a creature you target leaves teh battlefield one way or another, you get a 4/4 Elemental. It can target itself with this, and note also that you can cast an instant to make this trigger happen, in response to a removal spell or other things. This is a very scary threat of activation type card, and you can also just use it up front and then attack with the thing when your opponent has to block the creature, at which point you’re getting a 2-for-1. It is a little bit situational, but because it can target itself, not insanely so.
Crushing Disappointment
Average Picked At: 11.70
Total Times Picked: 281
Average Last Seen At: 9.63
Total Times Seen 3544
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This isn’t amazing. 4-mana to draw 2 at instant speed is alright, and it is nice the life loss is symmetrical, but I tend to have a hard time getting behind this kind of card draw in Limited. It is pretty inefficient and expensive, and by choosing to spend 4 of you r mana to cast this you probably already paid some life in a way -- since you didn’t add to your board with that mana. Then, paying more life can be surprisingly painful. Again, it is nice that it can give you some reach against some opponents, and in BG especially you’ll be able to gain enough life that you don’t need to worry about it, but I still think this is a card that gets cut a reasonable chunk of the time.
Combat Professor
Average Picked At: 4.40
Total Times Picked: 470
Average Last Seen At: 4.55
Total Times Seen 1498
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This is a good Common. On its own, it is a 4-mana ⅔ with Flying that can be a 3/3 with Vigilance on your turn. That’s a pretty darn good rate for the mana investment, and you can actually put the Vigilance other places, which is just better! This is probably White’s best Common.
Extus, Oriq Overlord
Average Picked At: 1.43
Total Times Picked: 28
Average Last Seen At: 1.57
Total Times Seen 37
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: The Extus side here is very strong. A 4-mana 2/4 with double strike is a playable card already, and his Magecraft ability makes all of your instants and sorceries get you back a creature from the graveyard, which is some pretty serious upside. Meanwhile, Awaken the Blood Avatar also isn’t too shabby. Obviously casting it for 8 isn’t so good, but if you can even sacrifice one creature and cast it for 6, I think it will feel pretty nice. You get a 3/6 with a powerful attack trigger and make your opponent sacrifice a creature. Now, I think 95% of the time or more, you’ll just be going with Extus. BUT, by putting it on the other side of a powerful creature, it just ends up being additional upside on an already great card.
Dueling Coach
Average Picked At: 7.34
Total Times Picked: 99
Average Last Seen At: 5.90
Total Times Seen 842
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: Four mana for a 2/2 that puts a counter somewhere is alright, but not great. This does come with a late game mana sink that will be able to give you some value most of the time, and that’s nice.
Dream Strix
Average Picked At: 2.47
Total Times Picked: 58
Average Last Seen At: 2.28
Total Times Seen 111
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This has some nice stats for the cost, and I would probably think this was well worth your while even without the Learn effect attached to it. That kind of efficiency allows you to do a lot of damage in the air in a hurry, so it dying to any spell is worth it. Adding Learn to the mix makes it even better, and most of the time you’ll be able to get a card out of that too.
Baleful Mastery
Average Picked At: 2.08
Total Times Picked: 51
Average Last Seen At: 2.29
Total Times Seen 74
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: Even if you can only cast this for 3B, it would be premium removal, since it straight up exiles creatures at instant speed for 4 mana. The fact you can also cast this for 1B in a pinch is nice, even with the downside of your opponent drawing a card. Sometimes you’ll only have 1B up and just HAVE To use it to not die or something, and that will feel good in those situations.
Venerable Warsinger
Average Picked At: 2.93
Total Times Picked: 46
Average Last Seen At: 3.12
Total Times Seen 129
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This is a cool card. So, three mana for a 3/3 with Vigilance and Trample is already something you’d always play! Then you factor in the ability to reanimate creatures DIRECTLY TO THE BOARD and you end up with something incredibly strong. It doesn’t have incredible size, and you won’t always be able to reanimate stuff with it, but I think you’ll be able to often enough that this is pretty good.
Pest Summoning
Average Picked At: 6.44
Total Times Picked: 370
Average Last Seen At: 5.83
Total Times Seen 2237
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: So, this is a lesson that I think you don’t feel terrible about playing in your main deck, especially because it provides sacrifice fodder and life gain, which BG is interested in.. Now, if you have cards with “Learn” it will be better, as it gives you a card that does something useful on just about every board state, while some of the other lessons are more situational.
Symmetry Sage
Average Picked At: 11.32
Total Times Picked: 96
Average Last Seen At: 8.35
Total Times Seen 1254
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: So the idea here is that you can make this into a one mana 2/2 flyer if you have enough instants and sorceries lying around. For the most part, giving others of your creatures base power 2 probably won’t be an upgrade, or if it is one, it will be a very small one, and that certainly hurts this card’s case a little bit. I like that this can rumble in the air when you use spells and all that, but I’m not overly impressed here.
Hunt for Specimens
Average Picked At: 6.51
Total Times Picked: 374
Average Last Seen At: 5.90
Total Times Seen 2021
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This ends up feeling like an upgraded Elvish Visionary often enough that this card is very worth playing. A 1/1 pest and a card that is good in your situation is just great for two mana.
Fuming Effigy
Average Picked At: 11.70
Total Times Picked: 279
Average Last Seen At: 10.04
Total Times Seen 3655
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This is mostly here for the RW deck, which makes cards leave the graveyard pretty often. This is likely to do a few damage in that deck, in addition to having reasonable stats to start with.
Ageless Guardian
Average Picked At: 13.67
Total Times Picked: 218
Average Last Seen At: 10.86
Total Times Seen 3809
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This has reasonable defensive stats and it is a Spirit, and RW has some tribal synergy for that. You’ll play it in a deck that wants that sometimes, but I imagine you’ll cut it pretty often.
Quintorius, Field Historian
Average Picked At: 7.50
Total Times Picked: 2
Average Last Seen At: 6.00
Total Times Seen 7
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This guy is a great payoff for the RW deck. Now, one thing that’s kind of a bummer is that he doesn’t give you any value all on his own, but if you’re doing the stuff that RW wants you to do in this format, he is going to be a crazy good value engine. I do think the fact that he doesn’t have self-contained power all on his own holds him back some, but I still imagine I’ll be taking him early and often.
First Day of Class
Average Picked At: 12.92
Total Times Picked: 274
Average Last Seen At: 10.95
Total Times Seen 3853
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: If you’re only able to make one creature benefit from this it won’t feel all that good, even if you have a Lesson to grab. After all, most of the Lessons are actually mediocre cards, but they’re worthwhile because you get them for free when you Learn. So, you kind of need your card with Learn to do something worth close to a card, and if you’re just getting one counter and giving one thing Haste, I’m not sure you’re doing it here. “Learn” is sort of like “draw a card,” and does give you some card selection, but those cards to choose from just aren’t gonna be awesome. Keep in mind you can also choose to rummage instead of getting a Lesson, and sometimes that will be best. Now, where this does start to get interesting is when you play multiple creatures in a turn, which won’t be easy if you’re just casting a regular ol’ creature spell, but if you have ways to make multiple tokens in a turn, this will start to feel pretty good. All in all, I’m not super high on this to start, just because I don’t think it will be all that easy to make it work, but I could see myself being wrong here.
Twinscroll Shaman
Average Picked At: 13.00
Total Times Picked: 202
Average Last Seen At: 10.50
Total Times Seen 3699
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: Double strike ½ for three isn’t too bad, and makes this a good place to put counters or otherwise enhance it. That said, that doesn’t seem to be a HUGE focus for Red in this set, strange as that is.
Devastating Mastery
Average Picked At: 5.64
Total Times Picked: 44
Average Last Seen At: 4.41
Total Times Seen 225
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: You’ll mostly just want to play this for the full 6 mana, as allowing your opponent to return permanents to their hand basically guarantees they will come ahead in the exchange. Like always, board sweepers are really strong and have absolutely irreplaceable effects, and that makes them cards that you can go after pretty highly. Sure, they are a little less ideal if you’re an aggro deck, but even then, you should never really be cutting a boardsweeper. There just aren’t many things that can reshape the game this way. Still, the mana cost here is pretty difficult.
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