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Ravnica Allegiance Limited Quiz

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Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: Cancel is never great in Limited, but the mill upside this gives you does matter a little bit in this format.
Twilight Panther
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: If you’re in Black/White, this plays like most one mana death touchers. It can trade for anything, and that’s always nice.
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This is just great removal. This format doesn’t have very many artifacts or planeswalkers, so it often feels like a hard-to-cast Murder, but its still pretty good.
Simic Locket
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: If you need fixing, these are fine. Some mana rocks are pretty big duds once you have enough mana or the mana that you need, but its nice you can throw these away to get some cards.
Rakdos Trumpeter
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This little creature can be a real menace for your opponent to deal with. It doesn’t pump itself efficiently, but in the late game it is a pretty nice attacker that your opponent will really hate blocking, and obviously it is hard to block early too – though it doesn’t exactly hit hard.
Biogenic Upgrade
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This can really help you close out a game, and is even pretty nice at just upgrading your board. And that’s a big deal, because if it was only good at winning you the game the turn you cast it, it would be far too narrow. Having a single copy of this at the top of your curve in both Gruul and Simic decks is pretty solid, though you don’t want to have more than that.
Rakdos Firewheeler
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: A 4-mana 4/3 that kills a small creature and shocks the opponent is always a great deal!
Spirit of the Spires
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This has decent stats and okay upside, especially if your deck has a decent number of fliers.
Stomping Ground
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This offer some very nice fixing, and if you’re in the market for that they are definitely nice. They are worth taking any time you are splashing a color or they are in both of your colors.
Essence Capture
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: Because this is two mana, it’s a pretty reasonable counterspell, even if it does only hit creatures. Limited decks have tons of creatures, so it works out, and adding the counter even has a bit of synergy within the Simic deck.
Azorius Knight-Arbiter
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This isn’t a bad win condition for Azorius control decks in this format. It is an excellent blocker that can give you inevitability while chipping away at the opponent’s life total.
Mesmerizing Benthid
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: This is a very efficient card. You get three bodies for five mana, and the two 0/2s are really annoying tokens, since as long as you have one the Benthid is hexproof and if they have to block, they also keep creatures from untapping, which is pretty nice. It isn’t the kind of card that can really take the game over for you, but it is such an efficient deal that its worth a very high pick.
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This thing has a big text box, but mostly this ends up being a pretty mediocre vanilla creature. Sometimes it will get pretty big, but a lack of any sort of evasion doesn’t make that a huge deal in a format with plenty of creature tokens. And the flip side is that sometimes it is really small – and there is always a window where it a very vulnerable 1/1.
Senate Guildmage
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: I think this is the best of the Guildmages in this set. Both of its abilities are pretty nice, and easily usable. You end up just having a random mana around a lot in Limited! You can gain life if you really need to stabilize, or you can dig deeper in your deck if you need to find removal or press your advantage.
Cavalcade of Calamity
Pro Rating: 0.0
Pro Comment: This card is very sweet, but it is very difficult to consistently build around it in Limited. You just won’t have enough small creatures.
Screaming Shield
Pro Rating: 0.0
Pro Comment: Mill sometimes work as a strategy in this format, but this is a really clunky way to go about it.
Deputy of Detention
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: Like always, these “Banisher Priest” type creatures are excellent, since they can remove virtually any creature while adding to the board. And yeah, your opponent could find a way to get the creature back, but even if they do you will usually have disrupted their plans significantly.
Persistent Petitioners
Pro Rating: 1.0
Pro Comment: You’ll play this if you need a two-mana 1/3, but you aren’t going to assemble a mill deck with this thing.
Thirsting Shade
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This thing demands a ton of mana to be relevant, and it isn’t usually going to be worth it. It can pump itself, but on most boards it just isn’t able to attack.
Pestilent Spirit
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: Menace and death touch pair really well together, and in a lot of ways just makes Pestilent Spirit unblockable, as your opponent doesn’t really want you to kill two of their creatures a lot of the time. They may eventually end up with some tokens and stuff like that, but it will take awhile. Giving your spells death touch is sweet too, though it mostly only comes up in Red-Black.
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