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Amonkhet Remastered Limited Quiz

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River Hoopoe
Average Picked At: 7.15
Total Times Picked: 67
Average Last Seen At: 5.80
Total Times Seen 569
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: If you can get to the part of the game where River Hoopoe can start using that ability, you’re going to feel pretty great. The life gain really helps you stabilize, and the cards you draw will allow you to ultimately overwhelm your opponent. The problem is, getting to that point of the game isn’t always easy, and if that’s the case, this is just a two mana 1/3 Flyer – and that’s not a body that is particularly good at blocking in this format. Still, the mid-to-late-game upside is very real.
Desert of the True
Average Picked At: 8.55
Total Times Picked: 318
Average Last Seen At: 7.62
Total Times Seen 2152
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: Deserts are pretty important in this format. Not only do they provide some significant flood insurance thanks to Cycling, they also power up several cards in the format that pay you off for having Deserts. As a result, you should actually value them relatively highly, taking them over most medium cards.
Fervent Paincaster
Average Picked At: 5.51
Total Times Picked: 107
Average Last Seen At: 4.54
Total Times Seen 474
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: A 3-mana 3/1 that can ping the opponent is kind of okay, and adding the ability to exert to ping anything is pretty nice, and certainly a problem for any deck with lots of X/1s.
Blur of Blades
Average Picked At: 9.95
Total Times Picked: 232
Average Last Seen At: 7.90
Total Times Seen 2223
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: Sometimes this will get a blocker out of the way and damage your opponent, and suddenly their dead to an Alpha strike. That makes it a reasonable inclusion in aggressive decks, especially because it will always have a pretty decent effect in those decks.
Bloodlust Inciter
Average Picked At: 10.39
Total Times Picked: 237
Average Last Seen At: 8.89
Total Times Seen 2536
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This kind of card isn’t always very good, but this format is fast enough that the Inciter is actually pretty decent. Giving Haste to every creature you play is quite nice, especially the ones that have scary Exert effects.
Anointer Priest
Average Picked At: 8.94
Total Times Picked: 297
Average Last Seen At: 7.71
Total Times Seen 2086
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This is a solid little token/embalm payoff. A two mana 1/3 isn’t great, but the bit of life gain it gets + the fact it comes back from the graveyard in the late game is pretty nice.
Average Picked At: 4.39
Total Times Picked: 89
Average Last Seen At: 3.66
Total Times Seen 407
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: Gravedigger is always a pretty nice card in Limited, as he is very easy to create 2-for-1s with. In this format, he also has a very nice creature type!
Sidewinder Naga
Average Picked At: 10.66
Total Times Picked: 217
Average Last Seen At: 8.73
Total Times Seen 2390
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This will sometimes be a 4/2 with Trample, which is fine, but it wouldn’t be an incredible card even if it was always a 4/2 with trample.
Approach of the Second Sun
Average Picked At: 2.61
Total Times Picked: 33
Average Last Seen At: 2.48
Total Times Seen 78
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This format is fairly fast, and that means having Approach as a win condition in a control deck can be difficult. Still, if you end up in one of those control decks this is one of the best win conditions you can have, since your opponent is fairly helpless against it.
Combat Celebrant
Average Picked At: 1.82
Total Times Picked: 11
Average Last Seen At: 1.96
Total Times Seen 23
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: A 3-mana 4/1 isn’t ideal, but the Exert trigger here can be quite impressive. Additional combat steps can do serious damage, and one of the great things here is that because your creatures all untap, your other Exert creatures can exert themselves again if they need to. Still, the 1 toughness here is a real problem, and usually you’ll just end up getting a few extra damage in when you exert him, not really breaking the game wide open. Obviously enough, that is something that can happen in the late game, though.
God-Pharaoh's Gift
Average Picked At: 1.72
Total Times Picked: 53
Average Last Seen At: 2.00
Total Times Seen 62
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: This is expensive, but that’s okay, because it has a huge impact on the game immediately. If you play it in your first main phase, you get that 4/4 creature from your graveyard right away, and it has Haste! Then, you get to continue to do that every turn. Now, in limited, there’s a good chance you will eventually run out of stuff to get back with it, but even if it just does that with a couple of things, while also threatening to do it with any creature of yorus that dies, God-Pharaoh’s Gift is doing its job, and its definitely a bomb.
Grind // Dust
Average Picked At: 2.33
Total Times Picked: 33
Average Last Seen At: 2.88
Total Times Seen 86
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: The Grind Half of this will sometimes just allow you to kill a couple of X/1s, which is really good, but the ideal use of this card is to Grind and Dust on the same turn, or on subsequent turns. When you do that, you end up paying 6 mana to exile at least two creatures, which is a great deal, even at Sorcery speed! If your deck has some other -1/-1 counter stuff going on – or if your opponent does – it can be even more backbreaking.
Nest of Scarabs
Average Picked At: 7.12
Total Times Picked: 57
Average Last Seen At: 5.12
Total Times Seen 498
Pro Rating: 0.0 // 3.0
Pro Comment: Obviously, this is a build around, and one that will mostly only work in the BG deck, which is all about -1/-1 counters. If you have few or no ways to make counters, Nest of Scarabs is terrible. However, if you get there on a critical mass of -1/-1 counter cards, and it is doable in this format, Nest of Scarabs gets pretty crazy, since it will start spitting out a significant number of tokens.
Oketra the True
Average Picked At: 1.42
Total Times Picked: 19
Average Last Seen At: 2.05
Total Times Seen 21
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: Meeting the requirement for Oketra to be able to attack and block is actually relatively easy, especially because she can crank out creature tokens to help her get there. She just ends up being an incredible bomb, one that is pretty impossible to effectively block, and one that has a great mana sink ability.
Desert's Hold
Average Picked At: 3.63
Total Times Picked: 166
Average Last Seen At: 3.86
Total Times Seen 363
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This is a premium removal spell, and one that it isn’t that hard to trigger the “Desert” clause on. This shuts down most creatures entirely and will gain you life like half the time, and that’s pretty great.
Sunscorched Desert
Average Picked At: 9.88
Total Times Picked: 203
Average Last Seen At: 8.02
Total Times Seen 2287
Pro Rating: 1.0
Pro Comment: So, you mostly don’t play this Desert, since it isn’t good for your mana at all. However, sometimes you might end up in a mono-colored deck, and if its an aggressive mono-colored deck that has a few Desert payoffs, Sunscorched Desert actually makes the cut. That doesn’t happen a ton, but I’ve seen it happen a few times.
Anointed Procession
Average Picked At: 2.91
Total Times Picked: 33
Average Last Seen At: 3.40
Total Times Seen 92
Pro Rating: 0.5
Pro Comment: This set definitely has tokens, but making Anointed Procession work is pretty difficult.
Protection of the Hekma
Average Picked At: 10.46
Total Times Picked: 69
Average Last Seen At: 7.21
Total Times Seen 793
Pro Rating: 1.0
Pro Comment: If you play this, obviously you’ll be winning the game. Unfortunately, that’s a pretty big “if,” in this format.
Lethal Sting
Average Picked At: 7.20
Total Times Picked: 239
Average Last Seen At: 6.36
Total Times Seen 1793
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This is a cheap way to kill any creature, and the downside can turn into upside in some situations. Still, the set up is real, and that makes it hard for it to be premium.
Slither Blade
Average Picked At: 10.28
Total Times Picked: 174
Average Last Seen At: 8.29
Total Times Seen 2294
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This is a great place to put Cartouches and stuff like that since its unblockable, but it is pretty unimpressive in most other decks.
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