Other - Ooze Tribal

13 39
25 12 0 23

This is a deck I made for someone on Fiverr. If you have deck ideas you're struggling with, let me build you a deck you'll love - You can find me on Fiverr as Genoslugcs.

Improved Ooze Tribal

So, I didn't change too much. I mainly cut less impactful cards to get you down to 60. I also lowered the overall curve of the deck and added a few synergy cards that lend themselves to the tribe. Here are my changes and thoughts.

The Deck

All your core Oozes are here, except for The Mimeoplasmimage. He is a great card, but he requires a devoted build to make him shine. And he forces you into three colors. So, I think you're better off replacing him despite his power. Beyond that, Acidic Slimeimage and Green Slimeimage are the weaker links.

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Their abilities could sometimes be helpful, but they're not something you'll miss in your games. Let me know if you have many artifacts and enchantments/or activated abilities (like combos) that you play against, and we can adjust. Aside from that, you'll be fine without these.


Glasspool Mimicimage is also a great card, but I don't think we need it as much now that we've lowered our curve. My thought process is that with most of the creatures coming at three mana now, it's less impactful to pay three mana (in blue) for a copy of them. Granted, copying the Biogenic Oozeimage is putrid, Glasspool Mimic doesn't do much without some other cards in play, and there were some other things I think you'll enjoy in its place.

So, we've trimmed everything down to the most potent ones and still had a few slots left. Here's what I added:

The Add-Ons

I'm sure you've noticed how well Oozes do +1/+1 counters. So, I added four Hardened Scalesimage to bolster that part of the tribe. And let me tell you, two counters for the price of one gets crazy in this deck. At one time, in testing, I had around 22 power and toughness on board.


In place of the Glasspool Mimicimage, I added Realmwalkerimage. It counts as an Ooze and allows you to look at and cast Ooze spells from the top of your library. Abilities like this help you a ton when you're winning and can really give you a shot to get back in the game if your not, which gives you some serious resiliency for your build.


The Lands

Without The Mimoplasm, Glasspool Mimicimage, and Mystic Genesisimage, we don't need blue anymore. So, we can run a more concise, efficient mana base while actually running fewer lands. One of the main reasons is the tribal lands:

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These act as lands of any color for your Oozes - Using them to cast a Pretetor Ooze on turn three and a Gelatinous Cubeimage on turn four is quite nice and is hard to do any other way on a budget. I left the indestructible lands to work with Corrupted Zendikonimage and added a playset of Llanowar Wastesimage. With the curve lower, I wanted to ensure you had access to the colors you needed early.


The deck is running quite smoothly now, and I managed to crush several games in testing. According to TCGplayer, the upgrades should cost you about $20. If you're interested in dumping the other $80 into the deck, let me know, and we will.


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Last Updated: 31 Jan 2024
Created: 31 Jan 2024
759 28 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (18 distinct)

Creature (25)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Land (23)

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