Legacy - Dragon Stompy

10th MTGO Challenge 32 15/01/25 by WadeB
Main 60 cards (15 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (28)
Creature (20)
Land (12)
Side 13 cards (7 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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  • Meta deck card breakdown - 63 decks, 6.77% of meta

    Screaming Nemesis 1x in 0%
    Caves of Chaos Adventurer 1x in 0%
    Bonecrusher Giant 1x in 0%
    Goblin Rabblemaster 1x in 0%
    Phyrexian Metamorph 1x in 2%
    Legion Warboss 1x in 2%
    Magus of the Moon 3x in 2%
    Pyrogoyf 3x in 2%
    Laelia, the Blade Reforged 1x in 5%
    Fury 4x in 98%
    Simian Spirit Guide 4x in 100%
    Broadside Bombardiers 4x in 100%
  • Instant, Sorcery
    Fiery Confluence 1x in 5%
    Sundering Eruption 4x in 90%
    Shatterskull Smashing 4x in 92%
  • Enchantment, Artifact
    Trinisphere 1x in 0%
    Ensnaring Bridge 1x in 0%
    Blood Sun 1x in 0%
    Lotus Petal 1x in 0%
    Ghost Vacuum 1x in 0%
    Disruptor Flute 1x in 0%
    Unlicensed Hearse 1x in 3%
    Cursed Mirror 1x in 3%
    Chalice of the Void 3x in 11%
    The One Ring 4x in 87%
    Blood Moon 4x in 87%
    Chrome Mox 4x in 100%
    Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 4x in 100%
  • Planeswalkers
    Karn, the Great Creator 1x in 0%
  • Lands
    Den of the Bugbear 1x in 0%
    Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 1x in 19%
    Gemstone Caverns 1x in 21%
    City of Traitors 4x in 100%
    Ancient Tomb 4x in 100%
  • Sideboard
    Obsidian Charmaw 1x in 0%
    Lightning Bolt 1x in 0%
    Harsh Mentor 1x in 0%
    Unlicensed Hearse 1x in 0%
    Dismember 1x in 0%
    Magus of the Moon 1x in 0%
    Void Mirror 1x in 0%
    Brotherhood's End 1x in 0%
    Lithomantic Barrage 1x in 0%
    Fury 1x in 2%
    Abrade 1x in 2%
    The Stone Brain 1x in 2%
    Cursed Mirror 1x in 2%
    Emrakul, the Aeons Torn 1x in 2%
    Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre 1x in 2%
    By Force 1x in 2%
    Leyline of the Void 3x in 2%
    Pyrokinesis 1x in 3%
    Ghost Vacuum 1x in 3%
    Grafdigger's Cage 1x in 3%
    Mindbreak Trap 1x in 5%
    Ensnaring Bridge 1x in 6%
    The One Ring 1x in 6%
    Tormod's Crypt 1x in 6%
    Mycosynth Lattice 1x in 6%
    Liquimetal Coating 1x in 6%
    Faerie Macabre 1x in 6%
    Trinisphere 1x in 11%
    Disruptor Flute 1x in 21%
    Red Elemental Blast 1x in 22%
    Null Rod 1x in 24%
    Pyroblast 2x in 25%
    Fiery Confluence 2x in 68%

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Dragon Stompy deck variations
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