Arena Standard - Selesnya Lifegain/Pestilent Mill

  • Deck contains 16 invalid cards for this format: Arctic Treeline (KHM), Cleric Class (AFR), Leonin Warleader (ANB), Tend the Pests (STX), Branchloft Pathway (ZNR), Pestilent Cauldron (STX), Righteous Valkyrie (KHM), Celestial Unicorn (AFR), Priest of Ancient Lore (AFR), Kor Celebrant (ZNR), Silverquill Campus (STX), Impassioned Orator (ANB), Brightclimb Pathway (ZNR), Trelasarra, Moon Dancer (AFR), Prosperous Innkeeper (AFR), Hallowed Priest (ANB)
Main 60 cards (20 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (10)
Creature (26)
Land (24)

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This Pestilent Mill deck contains all of the typical cards in a Selesnya Lifegain deck (Prosperous Innkeeperimage, Trelasarra, Moon Dancerimage, Righteous Valkyrieimage, etc.) BUT, we are trying to use all of this beautiful lifegain to mill out our opponent with the second ability on Pestilent Cauldronimage!

The way to pull off this combo is to get all of our "ETB lifegain trigger creatures" onto the battlefield such as Impassioned Oratorimage, play our "gain life get counters" creatures such as Hallowed Priestimage and Celestial Unicornimage, get a bunch of counters built up on them, and then Tend the Pestsimage when they get sufficiently big!

Cleric Classimage is ideal in this deck makeup since it allows for us to gain double the life whenever we do, allowing us to mill the opponent for double the cards! Trelassara is key to scrying thru our deck in order to find our Cauldron and Tend the Pests. Lastly, Leonin Warleaderimage is a really nice addition to the deck since she allows us to gain at least 4 life per attack as long as we have some sort of ETB life-gainer!

If you'd like to see the combo go off, check it out on my YouTube channel @BrosephMTG! Otherwise click the link/video provided with this deck list. If you enjoy, consider subscribing for daily Arena content! Enjoy, and of course have a freaking fantastic day!

About SleepyJoeMTG

Hey what's up guys - It's your bro Joe and welcome to my Aetherhub! I have had a few YouTube channels in the past posting new, exciting decks for Magic the Gathering and MTG Arena. Recently I have started a new, and main, channel called Sleepy Joe (@imsleepyjoe). While I plan on posting content other than MTG Arena on that channel, I will have nearly daily decks coming out on my new favorites in Standard as well as other formats (probably...). If that is something you are interested in, you can go check me out at Sleepy Joe on YouTube. If that's not your thing, no worries! You keep having fun playing Magic :)

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Last Updated: 11 Sep 2021
Created: 10 Sep 2021
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