Arena Standard - Life Gain Stompy

TCGPlayer $70
Cardmarket €12
Cardhoarder 2 Tix
  • Deck contains 22 invalid cards for this format: Prosperous Innkeeper (AFR), Faceless Haven (KHM), Snow-Covered Forest (KHM), Blizzard Brawl (KHM), Starnheim Unleashed (KHM), Ranger Class (AFR), Drizzt Do'Urden (AFR), Arctic Treeline (KHM), Minimus Containment (AFR), Celestial Unicorn (AFR), Shimmerdrift Vale (KHM), Hallowed Priest (ANB), Gnarlid Colony (ZNR), Devouring Tendrils (STX), Cleric Class (AFR), Toski, Bearer of Secrets (KHM), Righteous Valkyrie (KHM), Trelasarra, Moon Dancer (AFR), Branchloft Pathway (ZNR), Impassioned Orator (ANB), Snow-Covered Plains (KHM), Master Symmetrist (STX)
Main 77 cards (22 distinct)
Creature (32)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (17)
Land (28)

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The goal of this Life Gain Stompy deck is to get all of our wonderous life-gaining cards like Prosperous Innkeeperimage and Impassioned Oratorimage onto the battlefield, and then begin gaining life and putting counters on our Hallowed Priestimage, Trelasarra, Moon Dancerimage and Celestial Unicornimage. Now that all of our creatures are getting big. we throw down Gnarlid Colonyimage and Righteous Valkyrieimage onto the battlefield to give our counter creatures trample, and boost them with the Righteous Valkyrieimage +2/+2 ability, and then ideally swing in for lethal.

We have a good amount of removal, including Blizzard Brawlimage which allows for quick work of opponents big creatures. We also have Master Symmetristimage as another way to give our creatures trample, and Cleric Classimage and Ranger Classimage to give our creatures more counters! Drizzt Do'Urdenimage plays a sneaky, but big role in the deck as his ability allows him to get counters when another larger creature dies. If the opponent kills one of our big creatures with Drizzt on the battlefield, he will be a huge Double-Striking trampler (With the right cards on the battlefield).

Toski, Bearer of Secretsimage, in my opinion, plays the biggest role in this deck as he allows for consistent card draw. In a deck this large, without card draw, we can get swamped or deprived of mana or proper creatures, which will result in a loss. Feel free to throw in another copy of him if you have one available!

This deck was super fun to play on my Youtube channel! If you'd like to check it out, click the link/video provided on this page to watch it! If you enjoyed, consider subscribing to my Youtube channel @BrosephMTG for more Arena Standard content! Have a freaking fantastic day!

About SleepyJoeMTG

Hey what's up guys - It's your bro Joe and welcome to my Aetherhub! I have had a few YouTube channels in the past posting new, exciting decks for Magic the Gathering and MTG Arena. Recently I have started a new, and main, channel called Sleepy Joe (@imsleepyjoe). While I plan on posting content other than MTG Arena on that channel, I will have nearly daily decks coming out on my new favorites in Standard as well as other formats (probably...). If that is something you are interested in, you can go check me out at Sleepy Joe on YouTube. If that's not your thing, no worries! You keep having fun playing Magic :)

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Last Updated: 05 Sep 2021
Created: 05 Sep 2021
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