Arena Standard - Kazarov Aggro

  • Deck contains 7 invalid cards for this format: Fanatical Firebrand (RIX), Shivan Fire (DOM), Kazarov, Sengir Pureblood (DOM), Goblin Chainwhirler (DOM), Doomed Dissenter (M19), Reassembling Skeleton (M19), Lightning Strike (M19)
Main 60 cards (20 distinct)
Creature (23)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (15)
Land (22)

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A janky Rakdos Aggro/Aristocrat type deck, the difference with this list is that its all about dealing damage to the opponents creatures to buff Kazarov, Sengir Purebloodimage or to kill off using Vraska's Finisherimage . The idea came to me from the reprint coming to Core2020 Heart-Piercer Bowimage , as you can ping enemy creatures to buff Kazarov.

I had some mild success in MTGA constructed event going 5-3 or worse multiple times. I'm very open to others improvements and suggestions.

Early on the deck plays as an aggro Rakdos list trying to push a life advantage and/or a stronger board presence. Fanatical Firebrandimage Footlight Fiendimage Doomed Dissenterimage Lazotep Reaverimage Sanitarium Skeletonimage Reassembling Skeletonimage are your cannon fodder essentially acting as blockers or attackers but later on are used for card advantage with Bankrupt in Bloodimage and pinging with Judith, the Scourge Divaimage which goes with the theme of damaging enemy creatures.

You have removal with Shivan Fireimage Lava Coilimage Lightning Strikeimage but all of these also tie in with creature damage.

Theater of Horrorsimage will ensure you wont run out of gas too quickly. Enabling the spectacle mechanic isn't difficult at all either as a lot of the creature pining cards can also be used to go face, Rakdos Firewheelerimage works extremely well in conjunction with Theater also. 

Heart-Piercer Bowimage is a slow to start card as pinging for 1 damage will rarely let you trade favourably or straight kill a creature, however, the more of these you are able to get out and use the better. If you are attacking with Lazotep for example and have 3 equipped bows' you can take out a x/4 without loss or even a x/5 in a trade.

There isn't anything to protect Kazarov from your opponents removal that is why you cannot play him hastily, if you've been aggressive enough hopefully your opponents removal is looking low as they have wasted it on your weaker creatures. Don't keep your removal cards to try to combo with Kazarov, if you need to get rid of something you should try to as soon as possible. you always want to have a tempo advantage so your opponent has to answer your board.


Theater of Horrorsimage + Vraska's Finisherimage 7 mana planeswalker removal is expensive but this combo will catch your opponent off guard. 

Cosmotronic Waveimage + Goblin Chainwhirlerimage ends up being a 7 mana deal 2 damage to all opponents creatures but if Kazarov was on board for the previous turn you can pretty much win the game depending on the amount of enemy creatures. 

Bankrupt in Bloodimage + Reassembling Skeletonimage its not bad for a 3 card draw, and it just gets better if Judith, the Scourge Diva is on board. 

Fanatical Firebrandimage + Heart-Piercer Bowimage this will eliminate 2-3 toughness creatures that may be tricky to deal with otherwise.

Majority of the time this deck will lose to control decks, decks with no creatures, decks with a lot of hexproof and flying archetype decks. 

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Last Updated: 09 Jul 2019
Created: 09 Jul 2019
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