2 Gollum's Bite 1 Claim the Precious 2 Old Man Willow 1 Sam's Desperate Rescue 2 Generous Ent 3 Uruk-hai Berserker 3 Wose Pathfinder 1 Ent's Fury 2 Troll of Khazad-dûm 1 Rise of the Witch-king 1 Lash of the Balrog 1 Morgul-Knife Wound 1 Nazgûl 1 Shelob, Child of Ungoliant 1 The Torment of Gollum 1 Mirkwood Spider 7 Forest 7 Swamp 1 Doors of Durin 1 Easterling Vanguard 1 Frodo Baggins 1 The Shire 1 Dúnedain Rangers 1 Legolas, Counter of Kills 1 Stalwarts of Osgiliath 1 Elven Farsight 1 Morgul-Knife Wound 1 Stone of Erech 1 Orcish Medicine 1 Chance-Met Elves 1 Pippin's Bravery 1 Long List of the Ents 1 Shagrat, Loot Bearer 1 Bag End Porter 1 Gift of Strands 1 Meriadoc Brandybuck