1 King of the Oathbreakers 1 Éowyn, Fearless Knight 2 Frodo Baggins 2 Meriadoc Brandybuck 2 Mushroom Watchdogs 1 Mirkwood Spider 1 Generous Ent 1 Enraged Huorn 1 Gothmog, Morgul Lieutenant 1 Great Hall of the Citadel 2 Bag End Porter 1 Elven Farsight 1 Strider, Ranger of the North 1 Reprieve 1 Errand-Rider of Gondor 1 Eastfarthing Farmer 1 Butterbur, Bree Innkeeper 1 Celeborn the Wise 1 Many Partings 1 Lembas 6 Forest 2 Mountain 2 Swamp 6 Plains 2 Grey Havens Navigator 1 Brandywine Farmer 1 Willow-Wind 1 Nimrodel Watcher 1 Soldier of the Grey Host 1 Second Breakfast 1 Hobbit's Sting 1 Ringsight 1 Esquire of the King 1 Erebor Flamesmith 1 Elven Farsight 1 Oath of the Grey Host 1 Ent's Fury 2 Galadhrim Guide 1 Pelargir Survivor 1 Isolation at Orthanc