1 Palantír of Orthanc 1 Gothmog, Morgul Lieutenant 2 Took Reaper 1 Sam's Desperate Rescue 2 Wose Pathfinder 1 Sauron's Ransom 1 Gollum's Bite 1 Uruk-hai Berserker 2 Enraged Huorn 1 Inherited Envelope 1 Ent's Fury 1 Fog on the Barrow-Downs 1 Aragorn, Company Leader 1 Elven Chorus 2 Many Partings 1 Mirkwood Spider 1 Denethor, Ruling Steward 1 Banish from Edoras 1 Fangorn, Tree Shepherd 1 Bag End Porter 4 Swamp 4 Plains 8 Forest 1 Shadow Summoning 1 Haunt of the Dead Marshes 1 Rise of the Witch-king 1 Westfold Rider 2 Mirkwood Spider 1 Bombadil's Song 1 Lembas 1 Nimble Hobbit 1 Pelargir Survivor 1 Mordor Muster 1 The Battle of Bywater 1 Shire Scarecrow 2 East-Mark Cavalier 1 Fire of Orthanc 1 Revive the Shire 1 Esquire of the King