1 Gandalf's Sanction 1 Elrond, Lord of Rivendell 3 Pelargir Survivor 1 Treason of Isengard 1 Dreadful as the Storm 1 Grey Havens Navigator 1 Arwen's Gift 2 Gandalf, Friend of the Shire 2 Glorious Gale 2 Breaking of the Fellowship 1 Rally at the Hornburg 1 Erebor Flamesmith 1 Quarrel's End 1 Improvised Club 1 Lórien Revealed 1 Deceive the Messenger 1 Isolation at Orthanc 1 Oliphaunt 1 Ithilien Kingfisher 9 Island 7 Mountain 1 Council's Deliberation 1 Arwen's Gift 1 Lembas 1 Bewitching Leechcraft 1 Tale of Tinúviel 1 Banish from Edoras 1 Soldier of the Grey Host 1 Bill the Pony 1 Errand-Rider of Gondor 3 Willow-Wind 1 Knights of Dol Amroth 1 Olog-hai Crusher 1 Celeborn the Wise 1 Prince Imrahil the Fair 1 Bombadil's Song 1 Mordor Trebuchet