1 Gollum, Patient Plotter 1 The Balrog, Durin's Bane 1 Faramir, Field Commander 1 Dunland Crebain 1 Sam's Desperate Rescue 1 Uruk-hai Berserker 1 Samwise the Stouthearted 1 Arwen, Mortal Queen 1 King of the Oathbreakers 2 Great Hall of the Citadel 1 Boromir, Warden of the Tower 1 Shire Terrace 1 Shadowfax, Lord of Horses 1 Oath of the Grey Host 1 Tale of Tinúviel 1 Samwise Gamgee 1 Sméagol, Helpful Guide 2 Many Partings 1 Shelob's Ambush 1 Haunt of the Dead Marshes 1 Frodo Baggins 1 Hobbit's Sting 1 Eagles of the North 6 Forest 1 Mountain 4 Swamp 3 Plains 1 Bombadil's Song 1 Glorious Gale 1 Shagrat, Loot Bearer 1 Mirror of Galadriel 1 Bombadil's Song 1 Escape from Orthanc 1 Nimrodel Watcher 1 Nimble Hobbit 1 Barrow-Blade 1 Soldier of the Grey Host 1 Mordor Trebuchet 1 Gimli's Axe 2 Shelob's Ambush 1 Rise of the Witch-king 1 Lembas 1 Shire Scarecrow