2 Frodo Baggins 1 Errand-Rider of Gondor 1 Butterbur, Bree Innkeeper 1 Faramir, Field Commander 2 Shire Shirriff 3 Ent's Fury 1 Bag End Porter 2 Meriadoc Brandybuck 1 Enraged Huorn 1 Landroval, Horizon Witness 1 Mirrormere Guardian 1 Eastfarthing Farmer 2 Mushroom Watchdogs 1 Peregrin Took 2 Lost to Legend 1 Quickbeam, Upstart Ent 8 Plains 9 Forest 1 Éomer of the Riddermark 2 Théoden, King of Rohan 1 East-Mark Cavalier 1 Breaking of the Fellowship 1 Slip On the Ring 1 Pelargir Survivor 1 Bilbo, Retired Burglar 1 Many Partings 1 Legolas, Counter of Kills 1 Lórien Revealed 1 Dúnedain Blade 1 Grey Havens Navigator 1 Treason of Isengard 1 Second Breakfast 1 Lembas 1 Escape from Orthanc 1 Pippin's Bravery 1 Wizard's Rockets