1 Scroll of Isildur 1 Faramir, Prince of Ithilien 1 Council's Deliberation 2 Isolation at Orthanc 1 Took Reaper 1 Errand-Rider of Gondor 1 Gwaihir the Windlord 1 Bewitching Leechcraft 1 The Bath Song 2 Rosie Cotton of South Lane 1 Hobbit's Sting 1 Bill the Pony 1 Press the Enemy 1 Hithlain Knots 1 Saruman the White 1 Birthday Escape 1 Faramir, Field Commander 1 Prince Imrahil the Fair 1 Knights of Dol Amroth 2 Willow-Wind 1 Captain of Umbar 9 Island 8 Plains 1 Isolation at Orthanc 1 Arwen's Gift 1 Treason of Isengard 1 Generous Ent 2 Grey Havens Navigator 2 Chance-Met Elves 1 Dreadful as the Storm 1 Pelargir Survivor 1 Hew the Entwood 1 Escape from Orthanc 1 Surrounded by Orcs 1 Bombadil's Song 1 East-Mark Cavalier 1 Westfold Rider 1 Shire Scarecrow 1 Second Breakfast