1 Arwen, Mortal Queen 1 Denethor, Ruling Steward 1 Stew the Coneys 1 Celeborn the Wise 1 Wose Pathfinder 1 Mushroom Watchdogs 3 Ent's Fury 1 Elven Farsight 2 Bombadil's Song 1 Pippin's Bravery 2 Samwise the Stouthearted 1 Eastfarthing Farmer 2 Many Partings 1 Chance-Met Elves 1 Mirrormere Guardian 1 Butterbur, Bree Innkeeper 1 Dúnedain Rangers 1 Quickbeam, Upstart Ent 1 Shire Terrace 8 Forest 2 Swamp 6 Plains 1 Pelargir Survivor 1 Hithlain Knots 2 Nimrodel Watcher 1 Gimli's Axe 3 Chance-Met Elves 1 Scroll of Isildur 1 Isolation at Orthanc 1 Rush the Room 1 Dúnedain Blade 1 Enraged Huorn 1 The Bath Song 2 Bewitching Leechcraft 1 Lórien Revealed 1 Took Reaper