2 Gigantosaurus 1 Affectionate Indrik 1 Colossal Majesty 2 Howlpack Piper 1 Tovolar's Huntmaster 26 Forest 1 Epic Proportions 2 Unnatural Growth 2 Azusa's Many Journeys 1 Rampaging Brontodon 1 Feral Roar 2 Boseiju Reaches Skyward 1 Master's Rebuke 1 Giant Regrowth 1 Legion of Clay 1 Saryth, the Viper's Fang 1 Flourishing Hunter 1 Plummet 1 A-High-Rise Sawjack 1 Epic Confrontation 1 Bushwhack 2 Blanchwood Armor 2 Garruk, Wrath of the Wilds 3 Venerated Rotpriest 1 Prosperous Innkeeper 1 Roaring Earth 1 Nissa, Ascended Animist 1 Cleanup Crew 1 Dread Linnorm 1 Paladin of Predation 2 Copper Host Crusher 1 Mask of the Jadecrafter 1 Vorinclex