3 Island 2 Mountain 4 Steam Vents 4 Opt 1 Shivan Reef 3 Spell Pierce 4 Fiery Impulse 4 Spirebluff Canal 1 Maximize Velocity 1 Beacon Bolt 4 Crackling Drake 2 Ox of Agonas 2 Spikefield Hazard 4 Riverglide Pathway 1 Hall of Storm Giants 4 Consider 1 Fading Hope 1 Stormcarved Coast 4 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 1 Den of the Bugbear 4 Ledger Shredder 2 Strangle 1 Shore Up 2 Obliterating Bolt 2 Rending Volley 2 Abrade 2 Aether Gust 1 Disdainful Stroke 1 Disdainful Stroke 2 Sweltering Suns 3 Mystical Dispute 2 Unlicensed Hearse