1 Stoke the Flames 2 Volcanic Spite 1 Ral's Reinforcements 1 Wind-Scarred Crag 1 Norn's Inquisitor 1 Tranquil Cove 1 Knight of the New Coalition 1 Bloodfell Caves 1 Progenitor Exarch 1 Ramosian Greatsword 1 Attentive Skywarden 2 Furnace Host Charger 2 Aerial Boost 1 Dismal Backwater 1 Onakke Javelineer 1 Thrashing Frontliner 2 Khenra Spellspear 1 Marauding Dreadship 1 Redcap Heelslasher 1 Infected Defector 1 Wrenn's Resolve 1 Raff, Weatherlight Stalwart 1 Invasion of Azgol 1 Beamtown Beatstick 5 Plains 1 Island 1 Swamp 6 Mountain 1 Protocol Knight 1 Expedition Lookout 1 Disturbing Conversion 1 Scrollshift 1 Placid Rottentail 1 Shanna, Sisay's Legacy 1 Yargle, Glutton of Urborg 1 Trailblazing Historian 1 Inspired Charge 1 Dina, Soul Steeper 1 Sculpted Perfection 1 Golden-Scale Aeronaut 1 Mirrodin Avenged 1 Thunderhead Squadron 1 Moment of Truth 1 Failed Conversion